He didn’t even blink.Just took it and grabbed my kit.
“Jesus, my gear bag’s heavy but it’s huge.This thing’s half its size and weighs more.What do you have in here?A sewing machine and a weight bench?”
His wry smile made me laugh but I hoped he didn’t hear the breathiness in it.Damn him.Every time he smiled at me, my lungs reacted like I’d just finished a marathon.
I wanted to fan my face with my hand.Instead, I reached for the dress.
“I never know what I’m going to need so I make sure I have everything.”
“Gotta love a girl who’s prepared.”
My mouth twisted in a grimace that I quickly wiped away.The last man who’d said something similar hadn’t been complimenting me.
Shane’s not Rich.
Maybe I should just keep chanting that little mantra for the next few hours.
Especially when I was pretty sure this man had meant it as a tease.A sexy tease.
“I try my best.Besides, I think you can handle it.”
I wanted to say something else, something that would make him as hot for me as I was for him but couldn’t think of one damn thing.And that wasn’t like me.I wasn’t usually at a loss for words.
“Nice to know you have faith in me.”
That almost stopped me cold because I realized I did.After spending only a few hours talking and a few hours rolling around in bed together, Ididtrust him.
Bad idea.
Telling myself to shut up, I smiled over my shoulder at him and continued into the church.
Since I’d been here before, I knew I’d find Faith in the basement.Faith had decided to get ready in the church instead of arrive dressed.With her chair, there was always the possibility that the dress could get caught in the wheels and that would be a disaster.
Kinda like this wedding.
I really needed to stop with the negativity.It wouldn’t do Faith any good and it would only make me feel bad when Jimmy turned out to be a decent guy.
“Watch your head,” I said as I headed down the stairs.
“Holy— Uh, yeah.You gotta be a hobbit to work here.”
Stifling a laugh, I shook my head instead and stopped at the bottom of the stairs to make sure he didn’t hurt himself.
When he’d made it out of the stairs in one piece and stood beside me, towering over me in the narrow hall, I met his gaze.
“Thank you.”
He shook his head, his mouth curved in a confused grin.“Why?”
“Because you’re here.”
I wasn’t exactlysure what Bliss meant but I couldn’t miss the sincerity in her voice.