I was going to spend the entire night with a hard-on in front of a couple hundred people I didn’t know.
And…crap.I’d totally missed what she’d said.Something about how I cleaned up…
“Uh, thanks.We dress for games so…yeah, you get used to wearing suits pretty fast.”
“Doesn’t hurt that you look good in it.”
My turn to smile.I really liked that she wasn’t afraid to flirt but didn’t come off too abrasive.Basically, I liked everything about her.
A lot of women I’d met after becoming a professional threw themselves at me.I’d felt more like a conquest rather than someone they really wanted to get to know.
“I’d say the same about you,” I spoke slowly so she heard every word, “but it wouldn’t do you justice.”
As I clicked the remote to open the car, she threw another smile my way as she hung the dress on a bar she had rigged beneath the roof.Then she moved to the back, opened the gate and arranged the bag so it looked like a white waterfall.
“Looks like you’ve done this a few times.”
She huffed out a laugh as she closed the door then took the keys I held out to her.“You learn a few tricks.My aunt’s been in the business for thirty years.”
As she walked back to the driver’s side, I walked with her then offered her a hand getting into the car.She looked surprised at first but let me help her in.I’d seen my dad do this a hundred times for my mom, who only stood five-three.
In those heels and that tight dress, Bliss would’ve had to do some fancy maneuvering to get into that seat.Besides, I got to put his hands on her.
And the smile she gave me—part heat, part sweet—made my gut clench.
“Thank you.”
Her tone had dialed down a notch, low and a little husky.And damn, if that didn’t make my balls tighten and my cock throb.
Only another six hours of foreplay.
I nodded but before I moved away, she reached out, stroking her fingers along my jaw.I froze, my lungs catching at the sizzle along my nerve endings.
When she let them play across my lips, I couldn’t help myself.I opened and bit lightly on the tip of her index finger.
And watched her eyes narrow and darken and her smile turn a little more wicked.
I flicked the tip with my tongue, heard her suck in a sharp breath, then let her slide her finger away.
“I can see you’re going to be a handful.”
Damn, but her voice made me want to shove her skirt around her hips and put my face between her legs so I could lick her until she came.I hadn’t gotten around to that last night.Tonight, it’d be first on my to-do list.
“I know how to behave in public.”Then I shrugged.“But all bets are off later.”
Maybe I should’ve packedan extra pair of panties because, oh my god, the man made me wet.
If I hadn’t needed to be at the church with the dress, I might’ve said fuck it and taken him back to my bed.Or maybe we would’ve gotten as far as the door.I could’ve pulled up my dress and dropped my panties and he could’ve undone his belt—