Page 29 of Netting the Goalie

Too good to be true.

Weren’t they all?

I’d found that out the hard way when I found the man I thought was the one, in bed with another woman.

Oh, Rich had sworn up and down that nothing had happened between him and the ex-girlfriend passed out on his bed.Sworn he’d only allowed her to sleep in his bed because he hadn’t wanted her to drive home in her condition.

I had wanted to believe him.

I couldn’t.Couldn’t bring myself to trust him.Couldn’t help feeling like a fool.Apparently I’d been right because when I’d got rid of him, he’d immediately started dating the ex.

So much for trust.

No, Shane would be a great diversion while it lasted.And when he moved on… No harm, no foul.But in the meantime, I’d enjoy the smoking hot sex.

“Liss!Hey, Liss.Guess what?”

I jumped as my door slammed open but smiled when I saw my older brother, Mike, in my living room.

“Hey, Mike.We’ve talked about knocking before, remember?You’re supposed to knock before you come into my apartment.Or anyone else’s.”

Mike’s sweet face screwed up into a frown and I had to bite my tongue against the words that wanted to escape.

But I knew if I said, “Never mind, it’s okay,” it wouldn’t help Mike.The therapist had been crystal clear about that.He’d stressed, when my parents and I had first talked to him about Mike moving into his own apartment, that they had to hold him to the same standards as they would a person who didn’t have his disabilities.

Mike had to be held accountable, Dr.Farouk had said.

“Damn.I’m sorry, Lis.”He hung his head, ginger hair shades lighter than my own, hanging over his forehead.“I’ll remember for next time.I promise.”

Now I smiled.“I know you will, bud.Now what’s so important you forgot your manners?”

And that fast, his grin returned.My parents swore Mike had taken one look at me after I’d been born and hadn’t stopped smiling since.And I’d hadn’t known a time when my brother wasn’t a fixture in my life.

“My boss told me I’m getting a raise!”

My brother’s infectious joy made everything in life just a little brighter.

Throwing my arms open, I hugged my brother tight and said a silent “fuck you” to the few so-called friends who’d told me I was crazy to agree to have my “disabled” brother move in next to me.Mike wasn’t disabled.He was differently abled.In my mind, the distinction was huge.

“That’s great!I’m so happy for you.”

Mike pulled back, but not before putting a smacking kiss on my cheek.

As he told me about his day at the grocery store where he worked, I let myself get caught up in his joy.Since we’d moved into their side-by-side apartments, I’d watched him gain so much confidence.

My parents had never tried to hold him back but even they’d been worried about his plan to move out on his own.But when my former neighbor had told me he needed to sublet his apartment immediately because he’d gotten a new job out of state, I’d gone straight to my parents and Mike.

I’d known Mike would be fine.My parents had taken some convincing but, in the end, Mike had moved in next to me and I’d never regretted the decision.

My ex had never understood why I’d want to “chain” myself to my brother, “with all his problems.”

With an internal sigh, I knew that should’ve been a question I’d asked myself about Rich at the time.

I learned my lesson.Wouldn’t make the same mistake twice.You never knew who was going to turn out to be a dick.

I really hoped Shane proved to be the decent guy he seemed to be.
