Page 22 of Netting the Goalie

“Hey, Cary.”I forced myself to sound normal.And probably failed miserably.“What’s up?”

A slight pause.“Just wondering if you’re up for a few drills today.”

I wanted to groan.Wanted to crawl back to bed and spend a few more hours wallowing.Which was stupid.

“Yeah, sure.That’d be great.”

Cary laughed.“I can tell you’re really into it.Long night?”

“Uh…” What the hell did I say to that?

Now Cary really started to laugh.“How ’bout we forget I asked that question and you meet me in an hour on the ice.Then you can tell me all about it.”

A grin pulled at my lips.“What are you, now?My priest?”

Cary snorted.“Worse.I’m your fucking captain.Get your ass to the arena.”

Forty-five minutes and a fifteen-minute shower later, I parked beside Cary’s truck in the side lot and walked to the door where Cary waited for me.

The guy had a shit-eating grin on his face that made me want to punch him.

“Well, you look like you can walk okay, but can you skate?”

I gave Cary the finger as I walked by him into the lower level of the arena, headed for the locker room.There was enough light to see where I was going but I spent enough time here that I could do this walk blindfolded.

“Still faster than you, old man.And who gave you a key to the arena?I can’t believe management’s letting just the two of us use the ice.”

“Called in a favor.Besides, it’s not that big a deal.That ice show’s coming in tomorrow and they’re gonna be using the ice to practice.So no big deal.”


We walked the last few yards to the locker room in silence.I had been expecting Cary to cross examine me about last night, but surprisingly, he didn’t way a word.And when I stepped out on the ice to warm up, Cary still in the locker room gearing up, I felt my muscles relax as I made a few circuits around the boards.


I sucked in a deep breath, drawing in the cold air rising off the ice.Just the feel of the smooth surface under my blades and the sound they made as I circled the rink was enough to drop my blood pressure.Always had been.I stepped onto the ice and it felt like home.

Having the ice to myself, even for these few seconds, was like being in my own private paradise.

My mom had always complained that hell wasn’t hot.Hell was cold.

I didn’t have an opinion on that but I did know the cold helped me feel things more intensely and see things more clearly.

“So, you have a good time last night?At dinner.”

Cary matched his pace to mine but I kept my gaze forward.

“Yeah, the food was great.Thanks again for inviting me.Really appreciate the home-cooked meal.”

“You left with Bliss.”


No way was I adding more.Cary was a friend but Bliss was friends with Lucy.I wasn’t about to diss Bliss.No fucking way.And I couldn’t bring myself to drill Cary for information.

Besides, I didn’t fuck and tell like some of the team.A few of the guys were worse than high school kids the morning after a date, spouting off about shit I never wanted to know.At least, not and be able to look the girl in the eyes the next day.
