Page 17 of Netting the Goalie

I wanted to slip my hands in his pants and wrap my fingers around him but I’d have to maneuver to get a hand between us and I didn’t want to distract him from…whatever spell he was weaving over my body.

His hands seemed to be everywhere.Stroking down my back, petting my ass, sinking into my hair to twist my head a certain way so he could kiss me harder, hotter.A lot harder.

I wanted to move.I didn’t want to move.I wished we could get rid of our clothes and skip to the good part.

Although there definitely wasn’t anything wrong with this part.

He kissed me like he was starved for me.Like he couldn’t get enough and I was the only person in the world who could give it to him.

His intensity threatened to overpower me.Stole my breath and sapped my will to move.It’d be so easy to give him the control he wanted.

But it wasn’t in my nature.

I began to battle my way back to the surface.Not fighting him but slowly giving more than I was getting.

When his tongue retreated the next time, I followed him, flicking against his teeth and teasing him until I heard him groan.

His hands smoothed over my ass then cupped me and held me to him so he could thrust against me.Hard.As if he could penetrate me through our clothes.

A split second later, he released me and pulled away.

“Shit, I didn’t— Sorry.I mean—Fuck.”

The heated look on his face made my pelvis rock against his.

I slide my hands up his body to cup his jaw, the stubble rough and enticing beneath my palms.“Don’t be.Please don’t be sorry.Trust me, I’m right here with you.”

I watched him swallow hard, his eyes narrowing slightly.Had I come on too strong?

Then his mouth curved in that little grin again and I swore my bones went liquid.Or at least, I did between my thighs.

In the next second, he twisted our bodies in a move I couldn’t quite follow, his body so incredibly agile.

I found myself on my back looking up at him, slightly stunned.Not frightened.Too turned on to be frightened.

But damn, the guy was big.He blocked out everything.The light.The surroundings.Made me feel as if I was the only thing in his world right now.

Sweet heaven.

And when his head descended to kiss me again, I met him halfway, his mouth crushing against my lips in a clash of teeth and tongues.

Shoving one hand into his hair and winding my fingers around the almost-shoulder-length strands, I held him close, sucking in air through my nose as our tongues dueled.

God, I could do this for hours.Just let him kiss me until I honestly thought I might pass out from a lack of oxygen.I’d never been with a guy who could kiss this well.

Where the hell had he learned to do this?And was he just as talented in other areas?

The thought hit me like a punch to the gut as he began to gentle the kiss, withdrawing his tongue until finally he pulled away.

Propped on his elbows, he stared down at me.Those bright blue eyes, so intent and focused on me, made me want to pet him.All over.While he was naked.

“If I’m moving too fast, just smack me, okay?”

No way.“If you were moving too fast, my knee would be in your groin.I told you I grew up with four older brothers, right?”

His gaze narrowed.“Yeah, you did.”He paused and he got a look in his eye that made me want to lick his throat.Or anywhere I could reach.“So if I ask if I can take your clothes off, am I gonna find your knee somewhere I don’t want it?”

Letting my hands stroke from his shoulders to his waist, I began to pull his shirt out of his waistband as I smiled up at him.