Page 12 of Netting the Goalie

Good thing Bliss didn’t seem to mind.In fact, I thought her gaze actually got hotter.

“Don’t be surprised if I take you up on that.”

Her voice had dropped to a husky whisper and her breath brushed against my cheek.

Oh, fuck.

With one last, hot look in my direction, Bliss turned her attention back to her meal.

Since I couldn’t take my eyes off her, I watched as she slid her fork from between her lips.Moaning, her eyes closed and the look of utter…well, bliss on her face made my lungs feel like they’d been gripped in a vise.

“Oh, my gosh.”Her eyes snapped open.“This is amazing.Have you tried this?”

I had no idea what she was talking about because I had no idea what she’d put in her mouth.

“I can’t wait to see what’s for dessert.”

I seriously hoped I was on the menu.



Half an hour later,I was ready to climb the walls to get to the door.

I’d spent the last half hour talking to Cary, who’d been true to his word.They hadn’t mentioned hockey once.Instead, they’d been tasting and discussing the new beers Lori was considering adding to the taps in the bar she ran.

Well, Cary was talking.I was pretending to listen but was really obsessing over Bliss, who was talking to Lori.

Until a few seconds ago when she turned to me with a smile as Lori walked in the opposite direction.

Now I fucking ached.

And beside me, Cary laughed under his breath, like he knew exactly what I was thinking.He probably did.

“Have a good night, Shane.”Cary clapped me on the shoulder and gave me a little shove in Bliss’ direction.“Call me tomorrow and let me know you survived.I’ll let you know about the ice time.”

I held onto my manners long enough to say thanks to Cary before I walked to Bliss’ side.

When she looked up at me and her lips curved in a smile, I swore everyone else in the room vanished.

“Do you want to come back to my place for a drink?”

I wanted to smack myself on the forehead for just blurting that out but at least I hadn’t been stupid enough to add “and hot monkey sex” to the end of that question.

Yeah, it’s exactly what I hoped would happen but still.Three hours of foreplay had given me a massive case of perma-erection and I knew exactly how I wanted to lose it.Buried deep inside Bliss.

My hands itched to touch her and I practically had to bite my tongue so I wouldn’t lean down and kiss her.Like I’d been fantasizing about for the past hour.

And then I’d strip her down to her skin and—

“Would you like to leave now?”

Bliss’ quiet question and her slight smile hit me low in the gut and nearly made me groan.

Holy fuck.I wasn’t sure I’d make it all the way back to my place without embarrassing the hell out of myself.

This girl brought out something in me I wasn’t sure I could control.And I was all about control.It’s what made me a good goalie.