Page 67 of Netting the Goalie


I sawShane go down under a pile of bodies and, around me, the crowd gasped and shouted.

I could do neither.I could barely breathe as my heart jumped into my throat.

I watched as his head hit the ice right before he disappeared from view as the teams swarmed around the net.

Several players paired up to fight but I only had eyes for Shane.

Rising slowly, too slowly, to his knees, he sat with his head down, unmoving.

My lungs seized and I had to force air into my lungs.

“Oh, my god,” Faith muttered.“Is he okay?”

I couldn’t answer.I could only watch as CJ leaned down to check on Shane then made a beeline for the bench, where the trainer took CJ’s arm so he could race to Shane’s side.

As the linesmen and refs got the fighting under control, everyone’s attention turned to Shane.The crowd seemed to hold its breath waiting for him to get up.

The longer it took, the harder it was for me to breathe.

I didn’t realize I was on my feet until Faith took my hand.

And when it took two players to help him to his feet, I wanted to run for the stairs.

But I knew I wouldn’t be allowed downstairs.I wasn’t family.I wasn’t even his girlfriend.

And still, I couldn’t take my eyes off him.I watched as CJ and Lad helped him off the ice, watched him disappeared down the hall to the locker room, the trainer on his heels.

I only returned to my seat when Nate came onto the ice to take Shane’s position.

“Hey, hon, are you okay?”Faith had leaned in to speak into my ear because the crowd had erupted into boos as the announcer listed the penalties, including one for goaltender interference.

I had the totally insane urge to walk down the stairs to the penalty box and coldcock the player who’d taken out Shane.

Shaking my head, I turned to Faith.“I don’t even know who to ask to make sure he’s okay.”

Faith’s lips turned up in a bittersweet smile.“He’ll be back.He’s tough.”

But he didn’t return by the end of the second period.

And I honestly thought I might sit there and cry.

Until my phone vibrated.

I grabbed it before I considered the fact that it might not have anything to do with Shane.And slapped a hand over my mouth to stop my cry of joy when I realized it was from Jake.

He is fine.Be back third period.Name on list to come down.Be there.

I was goingto kiss Jake when I saw him.

After I hugged the hell out of Shane.

“So are you gonna tell me what you’re smiling like a loon about or just leave me in the dark?”

Faith’s wry voice drew my attention away from my phone.

“He’s okay.”