I smiled at my teammates as they started to chant, “Brick!Brick!Brick!”and bumped gloves with Nate as I passed the other goalie on the way to my locker.
We’d clinched a playoff spot tonight with the win against the Maine Flying Foxes, whose mascot looked like the unfortunate mating of a chihuahua and a gerbil.
The game had been sweeter still because we’d played on home ice and the fans had gone crazy.The team had missed the playoff the last couple of years so this was icing on the fucking cake.
“You played like a man possessed tonight, Conrad.”Cary smacked me on the back on his way to the showers.“Keep it up and we’ll have that cup.”
“Dude, you shut themdown.”Jake dropped onto the bench next to me and watched as I pulled off my gear.“Guess getting dumped was actually good for you, yes?”
Shaking off my blocker, I gave Jake the finger without bothering to look at him.I wasn’t about to respond to that.
“You had a great game,” I tossed over my shoulder.“Congrats.”
“Ah, so we’re still not discussing her.Okay.Yes, I did have a great game, thank you.”
Shaking my head, I listened to the other guys on the team razz Jake about his almost non-existent humility while managing to compliment him at the same time.
Thinking I was safe from any more of Jake’s reminders of Bliss, I headed for the showers, where I stood under a scalding hot shower for at least five minutes.
It was part of my post-game ritual, which I’d let slide while I was with Bliss.
Should’ve been your first clue.Don’t change the routine for a girl.
My dad had drilled that one into my head all through high school.Not that I’d been in danger of that but it’d stuck with me through juniors and into my years in the ECHL.
But I’d done it for Bliss and not noticed any harm.In fact—
I shook my head.Didn’t.Matter.Not one fucking bit because Bliss was gone.
And I was back to my routine and the team was winning and would continue to win.
“Hey, you heading straight home?”CJ stuck his head into the shower room, already showered and dressed.“I’m leaving now.”
“Yeah, I’ll be out in a few.Need a decent night’s sleep before the game tomorrow.”
We had another game against the Wolves tomorrow and the other team would be out for payback.
“Okay.Oh, and, just a head’s up.Bliss and Mike are in the hall.I’ll make sure Jake gets them out before you come through.”
My head shot up.“What the fuck?”
Justin Perry, the defenseman they’d just brought up from the ECHL after losing Joey Constantino to an injury last game, shot me a wary glance.
I knew I had a rep for being intense.Knew it was warranted.I also knew there was a fine line between intense and being an arrogant bastard.I’d always managed to walk it before.The tide could turn though.
Especially when I thought about Jake hitting on Bliss.
“No need to go psycho, dude.Jake sent the tickets to Mike.He didn’t know Bliss would be here.”
No fucking way did Jake not expect Mike to come without Bliss.
Bastard.I was gonna kill Jake.If he so much as laid a finger on her—
I took a deep breath.That wasn’t fair.I knew Jake and Mike had hit it off.Jake had a brother with Down syndrome, who he missed more than he’d ever admit to anyone.Except to me, one drunken night a few months ago.
“Sorry.”I shook my head.“Just…never mind.You don’t have to do anything.I’m fine.”