Page 46 of Netting the Goalie

Something about the way she said that pinged my radar.

Since the wedding that wasn’t, I’d realized that despite her openness, she had a wall around her heart.A wall she only seemed to let her family behind.

I didn’t know why the wall was there but I could guess.She’d been hurt before.Probably pretty badly.

And if I wanted to get closer to her, I’d have to break through that wall.

The question was, did I want to?

I’d thought I’d known the answer.

Yesterday, that answer had been no.This affair was supposed to be fun.Not a lifetime commitment.Hot while it lasted but over and done when it’d run its course.

And yet…

I’d asked her to go to dinner with me tonight.And she’d brought her brother.

“Shane?”She frowned up at me.“Is everything okay?”

It had been.

Until last night when I’d realized I wanted to take her out to dinner after the game.I’d wanted to see her waiting in the hall for me.

And I’d wondered what it would be like seeing her there every night.No matter what arena I was playing in, what city, what state.I wanted her face to be the first thing I saw after a game.

I shook my head.


“Shane?”Her head cocked to the side.“What’s wrong?”

I shook my head.“How long has Mike lived next door?”

Her smile popped out again.“Almost a year.He’s done better than anyone expected him to.I mean, I knew he’d be fine but my parents…they were worried.”

“You make sure he’s okay, don’t you?”

She shrugged like it was nothing.“Of course.That’s what family’s for.I can’t imagine being so far away from them all the time.Do you miss your family?”

I nodded.“But I know they’re just a phone call away if I need them.”

Her chin lifted slightly.“I like knowing mine are twenty minutes away.”

I leaned my hip against the counter and watched her take a deep breath, as if my nearness affected her.

Good to know.

“Don’t you want to travel?”I asked.“Get out and see the world?”

“Sure.Some day.”

“If I don’t get called up next year, I’ve given some thought to playing overseas.”

She blinked.“Really?I guess...I didn’t realize that was an option.I mean, I’d love to travel but being away from my family that long… How long do you go for?”

“The seasons are shorter over there and you play fewer games but at least seven, eight months.”

I saw her search for an appropriate response, saw how she forced a smile when she realized I was watching her.