Sheer terror flashed through Faith’s expression before she wiped it away and turned to face her parents.
“What’s wrong?”
Her parents paused and I squeezed her hand before making a break for the door.Whatever was going down, I figured Faith’s parents would want to break it to her alone.
As soon as the door closed behind me, I headed back down the hall, figuring I’d find Shane upstairs.He surprised me by straightening away from the wall at the base of the stairs.
“So I guess you heard.”He shook his head, disgust plain on his face.“What a douche.”
I shook my head.“Actually, I don’t have a clue what’s going on.But you do, obviously.”
“Shit.Yeah.”He grimaced.“I wasn’t eavesdropping but they weren’t trying to be quiet so…” He sighed.“I’m pretty sure the groom took a powder.”
I flashed cold then hot.
That bastard.That absolute bastard.I’m going to hunt him down and—
“Uh, Bliss?You gonna be okay?You look a little…”
“Furious?Yeah, you could say that.”
Shaking my head, I sucked in a deep breath and tried to tamp down my anger.But…oh my god, if Jimmy ever dared to show his face—
“No, I mean you look like you took a puck to the balls.”
I laughed.I couldn’t help myself.And then I shook my head because that’s probably what it would feel like.If I, you know, had the right equipment.
Shaking my head, I looked up into his eyes and smiled, though a second ago, I wouldn’t have thought I’d be able to smile at all tonight.
Dangerous man.
My smile faded and I really hoped he couldn’t read my mind.
“I’m not sure what’s going to happen but if you want to go…” I shrugged.“I can call you a taxi?”
“Nah.I’ll wait with you.”
He waved at a bench along the wall and, when we sat, his thigh pressed against me and radiating heat into my body.If I leaned close, I’d be able to lay my head against his upper arm.Snuggle into his side.
It surprised me how much I wanted to do just that.
Instead, I distracted myself by asking, “When’s your next game.”
“Day after Christmas.”He paused.“Not sure I’ll be playing.Coach had me on the bench last game.”
Since that seemed like a touchy subject, I asked another question.“What are you doing for Christmas?”
He shrugged.“Sleep.Eat.Hang out with the guys who didn’t go home.A couple of the booster club members invited us over for dinner so I’ll probably do that.Then I need to get a good night’s sleep so I’m ready to play.If Coach puts me in.”
“I think…I’d like to come to the game.”
I felt him shift beside me.“You want me to get you tickets?”
“I can do—”
“Nah, it’s no problem.We get comps.How many do you need?”