Page 25 of Netting the Goalie

With a shake of her head, Faith smiled.“Jitters.They suck.You know what, I think I do want to hear more about this amazing guy you met last night.”

Since Faith was getting married tomorrow, I decided not to push.Every bride had jitters before her wedding.They came with the territory.

“There’s really nothing else to tell.Except I think I made a really stupid mistake by not leaving my number.”

“It’s not like you don’t know how to get his.”

I rolled my eyes.“Then I look pathetic and, if he really doesn’t want to hear from me, then I’m being clingy.”

Faith’s nose scrunched.“Yeah, I get it.But still, if you want to see the guy again, and I think you do, then get his number.You never know, he could be the one.”

And there was that tone in Faith’s voice again and I couldn’t ignore it this time.

“Hey.”I reached over and grabbed Faith’s hand.“Is something going on?I mean, other than the fact that you’re getting married tomorrow?”

Faith didn’t answer right away, wouldn’t meet my gaze for several seconds.When she finally did, I knew my friend was having more than jitters.

“I’m afraid Jimmy doesn’t want to get married.”

I didn’t say anything…mainly because I wasn’t sure Faith’s fiancé deserved her.

I’d only met Jimmy Collins a few times but hadn’t been impressed.Yes, he’d stuck by Faith after the accident that had put her in the chair.Faith’s spine had been badly damaged, to the point that the doctors had told her she’d never walk again.

But between Faith’s will and Shelly’s determination, Faith had been working her ass off at physical therapy with the goal of being able to walk down the aisle at her wedding.

I had no doubt Faith would manage it.But I wasn’t sure Jimmy was worth that effort from her.Faith needed to walk again for herself.Not because she thought her fiancé would feel better about himself because she could.

And maybe I was being a total bitch to a man she really didn’t know.Then again—

No.I was damn good at reading people.And Jimmy Collins didn’t deserve this woman.Not one bit.But no way would I ever say that to Faith.

“Why do you think that?”

Faith made a wry grimace.“I’m probably being stupid.”

Faith sounded as if she wanted me to agree but I couldn’t bring myself to lie, not even to set my friend’s mind at rest the night before her wedding.There was still time for Faith to call it off.But it had to be her decision and not something I advocated in any way.

“You’re one of the smartest people I know.”Actually, Faith wasthesmartest person I knew.She designed rockets for a living, for chrissake.

“Well, I don’t feel smart at the moment.I think I’ve been really, really stupid.Or maybe just blind.He’s been so distant lately and I think…” She took a deep breath.“I think he wants to tell me he doesn’t want to get married but doesn’t know how to say it.And I’m afraid…”

Faith’s expression made me want to punch Jimmy right in his perfect nose.The guy had walked away from the accident with barely a scratch.He’d been going too fast for conditions and had sailed off the road around a sharp curve.And then there was the matter of a few drinks at dinner…

Yes, he’d stuck with Faith through her long recovery.But there was just something about the guy that made me want to scratch at him every time he came toward me.

“What are you afraid of?”

Faith’s fingers tightened around mine.“That I’m making a horrible mistake.”

I practically bit my tongue in half not to speak my mind.

“Why do you think that?”

“He’s been…quiet.”She paused.“Dismissive.”

Bastard.I would cheerfully cut Jimmy’s balls off with a dull spoon.

“Have you talked to him about it?”