Page 21 of Netting the Goalie



I woke the next morning—

No, wait.

I peeled open my eyes and looked at the clock.One in the afternoon.

Damn, how the hell had I slept so late?

Duh, asshole.A few drinks and about five hours of the best sex of your whole frickin’ life, that’s how.

Luckily, I didn’t have a hangover, which was kind of amazing, because I was a lightweight when it came to alcohol.

But, holy hell, I was wiped.If I could, I’d go back to sleep but now that I was awake, I knew that wouldn’t happen.

Why hadn’t she stayed?

With a groan, I sat up, glancing over at the empty space beside me.The pillow she’d used still had an indent from her head.She’d left sometime after that last round when she’d climbed on top of me and made my eyes roll back in my head.Which had been after the two times I’d made her scream.

So why the hell hadn’t she stayed for breakfast?

Sliding my legs off the side of the bed, I ran a hand through my hair, adjusted my morning wood out of habit so it wasn’t poking through my shorts, and headed for the bathroom across the hall before making my way down the stairs to forage for food.I was fucking starving.

And I wished like hell I was eating something other than bagels and peanut butter, two pears and a half gallon of chocolate milk.What I wouldn’t give to be sliding down her body and putting my mouth over her—

My cock throbbed.


With a sigh, I lifted the chocolate milk container to my lips, practically able to feel my mom’s hand smacking me on the back of my head.

Why the hell had she snuck out?

She hadn’t seemed like the kind to fuck and run.Then again, I didn’t know her.Like…at all.

Hey, dude.I could practically hear CJ’s voice in my head.You got laid.She saved you the hassle of getting rid of her this morning.

The problem was, I wasn’t a dick who would’ve smacked her on the ass, said thanks for the great night and called her a taxi.

No, I would’ve made her breakfast or at least taken her out to eat before saying, “Can I get your number?I’d like to see you again.”

Because, yeah, I really wanted to see her again.

Who wouldn’t want to see her again?She’d rocked my fucking world last night.Of course, I wanted to do it again.And again.

Maybe she doesn’t want to see you again.

A very real possibility.

Bliss had her shit together, had a life and a career and didn’t move every six months or so to whatever team needed a goalie that particular day.This stint with the Redtails had been the longest in my career.I’d actually allowed myself to think maybe I’d finally found a niche where I could prove myself.And I had been.Until I’d hit this slump—

My cell phone rang and I grabbed for it, hoping…

