A grin caught me off guard.Giselle wasn’t the only smart woman I knew, apparently.
“Probably, yeah.She’s always known how to get what she wants.Guess she had to with two brothers.”
“What about you, Shane?Do you get what you want?”
I thought about how shitty I’d been playing lately, about how I was letting down my team.About the fact that she’d agreed to come home with me.
“Not always, no.But I hope I will tonight.”
And there was her smile again.“I don’t think you have to worry about that.”
Grinning, I shook my head.“I love that you’re not afraid to say what’s in your head.”
She shrugged.“No one should be.”
“You’re absolutely right.I’d much rather hear you speak your mind than not say anything at all.”
I swore I felt the heat of her smile as she leaned closer and laid her hand on my arm, muscles bunching at her touch.
“Then let me tell you how much I look forward to kissing you.”Her head tilted to the side.“And touching you.And…anything else that might come up along the way.”
I pulled back far enoughthat I could see Shane’s face in the room’s low light.Saw the deep breath he sucked in and the way his throat convulsed as he swallowed.Then he ran one hand through his dark, shaggy waves and I wanted to do the same.I knew it’d feel like silk against my skin.
“Great.That’s great.”He paused, frowned, then shook his head like he was trying to get something to fall back into place.“I just don’t want you to think I’m trying to take advantage of you.”
Wow, was he for real?He seemed too damn sweet.Not at all what I’d been expecting.Not that that was a bad thing.But it made me wonder if I was starting to come off a little too strong.
Then I looked into his eyes and saw an inferno of lust.And realized Shane was the real deal.An actual, genuinely nice guy.
I’d begun to believe they were pure myth.
My thighs clenched and I sucked in air, suddenly finding it hard to breathe.
Holy hell, when had the temperature risen to the point that I wanted to start shedding clothes?Okay, maybe I just wanted him to start shedding clothes.
But first I needed to ask him a very important question.“What if I want you to take advantage?”
That heat in his eyes burned even brighter and the wry grin that curved his beautiful mouth made my thighs clench.
“Maybe I’d rather you take advantage of me.”
Oh, yes, please.I couldsowork with that.
As his bright blue eyes narrowed to slits and his mouth flattened into a straight line, I swore I felt sexual intensity coming off me like heat.
Then he moved closer and, as I had to crane my head to look up at him, I realized just how much bigger he was.Broader and heavier and more muscled.
But I felt no fear.I knew instinctively this man wouldn’t harm me.Of course, if I asked him to slap his hand across my ass…
Oh hell, just thinking about it made heat flush across my cheeks.
What would he say if I asked him?Maybe he didn’t do kinky?Not that spanking was really kinky but—
Fuck it.