Which made the fan meet-and-greets torture.I’d learned to cover my awkwardness to some extent but most people still found it hard to draw me out.
But Bliss didn’t seem to be put off.I didn’t think she had trouble talking to anyone.
As everyone came together to fill their plates then retreated back to the living or dining rooms to find somewhere to sit and eat, she chatted up several people but never left my side.
By unspoken agreement, Bliss and I found space in the living room, where another woman sat next to Bliss and began to run at the mouth about her upcoming wedding.
Bliss didn’t seem to mind.Probably because they were talking about wedding stuff.A subject I had absolutely no interest in.At least, not at this point in my life.
No way did I have time for a wife or even a steady girlfriend.I had to concentrate on my game.Or I’d be ending my career sooner than I expected.
But I definitely wanted to spend a few hours with Bliss.
“So, Shane, how’s it going?”
I turned with a smile for Lori, who’d sat on the arm of my chair.
“I’m pretty sure you know the answer to that already.”I grimaced.“I pretty much suck right now.”
“I know that’s not true.”Lori smiled that cool, mysterious smile that had reeled in Cary like a trout with a hook in its mouth.“I’ve seen you play.You’re just having a rough patch.It’ll pass.You need to get out of your own head for a while.Enjoy life a little and not always be so focused on work.”
If only it was that easy.
Nodding, I forced a smile for her.“You’re right.Cary’s always telling me to keep my head up.But when you play, your moves have to be instinctive.The game’s too fast to stop and think.I need to be able to see the move before it happens and react before I think about it.”
“Very true.”Then she leaned closer and her voice dropped to a whisper.“But the advice wasn’t only for hockey.”
I might not be the sharpest blade on the ice but I was no fool.
Lori squeezed my shoulder but Bliss’ laughter grabbed my attention.She was still talking to the other girl but now it was about veils and lace and some other shit I had no clue about.
Didn’t much matter, though, so long as I could listen to Bliss talk.The sound of her voice made me hard.Maybe Ihadbeen concentrating a little too hard on hockey lately, especially if I got a boner just listening to a girl talk.
As if Bliss had heard me thinking about her, she turned and smiled at me.
I nearly swallowed my tongue.
When the hell could we leave without looking suspicious?
Now.Ask her back to your place for a drink.
Yeah, all I had to do was open my mouth and get the words out.
But I kept getting distracted by the sight of all that red hair falling down her back in perfect waves and a pretty face that put some actresses to shame.
And her body… Christ, I was salivating.I wanted to put my hands on her breasts then slide them down her body to her gorgeous ass.Then I’d lift her so she could wrap her legs around my waist.
Naked.I wanted her naked and under me.Or over me.I wasn’t picky.
Lori made a soft sound, almost like a muffled laugh, and my gaze shot back to hers.
Shit.She knows exactly what you’re thinking.
“Have a good time tonight, Shane.”Lori stood, smiling down at me.“Tomorrow will take care of itself.”
Then she left, but not before ruffling my hair with her fingers.Like my mom would’ve done.Made me feel like a kid but not in a bad way.