Chapter Ten
“Are you sure he’s going to be okay?”
Amity sighed but only said, “Yes, Kari, he’s going to be fine,” in exactly the same tone she’d used the five previous times she’d answered Kari’s exact same question.
For the past ten hours, she’d been sitting by Jacoby’s bedside in the lucani den, waiting for him to wake.
She’d been so frightened he would die in her arms before they got him back to Amity. Kari had felt so useless, watching him go cold. And then suddenly Sal had appeared and transported them back to the den, where Amity had been waiting to heal him.
As much power as Kari retained, physical healing was Amity’s specialty. Kari could heal the pain of a broken heart, but she couldn’t fix that heart if it was nicked by a bullet.
Now, all she’d been able to do was wait for him to wake up.
And waiting sucked.
Especially when her replacement sat across the bed from her holding Jacoby’s other hand.
Emelia seemed quiet, shy, reserved. Nothing at all like Kari. Which led to insanely stupid questions rolling through Kari’s head.
Was this why she was being replaced? Because her people had decided she was worthless and didn’t want her around anymore? Or had they simply forgotten her altogether and had decided on someone who was her polar opposite to be their new goddess?
And how absolutely ridiculous could you be?
Shaking her head, she looked up and caught Emelia staring at her. They hadn’t said more than a few words to each other, but they’d been worried sick about Jacoby.
Which was a total excuse that everyone had probably seen through. Kari was just a bitch and should own up to it. She wanted to stick her tongue out at herself.
She was a total bitch.
“Emelia, how are you holding up?”
The girl barely raised her head, her gaze brushing Kari’s for a split second before lowering to stare at Jacoby’s hand in hers.
“I’m fine, Lady Kari. Thank you for asking.”
Oh yeah, this is going to go really well.
“I know this is strange but once Jacoby wakes up, we’ll figure this out, okay?”
“Yes, Lady.”
Now Kari wanted to bang her head against the wall. Luckily, Den walked into the room a second later.
He’d been the one bright spot since they’d returned to the den. He’d barely left her side since he’d returned with Emelia. He’d held her hand or put his arm around her and drew her into his side. He’d been strong while she’d felt like she was coming apart at the seams. Maybe she was.
“Any change?”
His deep voice lit a fire inside her. Even though it was banked, it was still there. She just didn’t feel complete. She wanted them both, wanted everything. And she had a feeling she wasn’t going to have it.
Because Jacoby had been ready to give his life to save his sister. Kari wanted to weep at the selflessness of it, but she also wanted to curse and spit and hit him because he didn’t want to fight to stay with her.
Which made her selfish, didn’t it? Utterly and completely hopeless and unworthy.
And, oh yeah, a total melodrama queen.
Ugh. After a deep sigh, she smiled up at Den, because she couldn’t not smile at him. “No. But Amity says he needs to sleep. That’s how he’ll heal.” “Then I guess I’m healed because I’m not asleep anymore.” “Jack!” Emelia cried out and threw herself over her brother, hugging him tight as his arms went around her shoulders and brought her even closer. After he’d released the hand Kari had been holding. “Eme. Thank the Gods. You’re okay. Were you hurt?” “No, I’m not. Den and Lady Kari made sure.” Kari drew away, though she couldn’t go far because Den stood at her back, hands on her shoulders. She wanted to be the one he embraced so tightly, be the first person he looked for when he woke. But she knew how important Emelia was to him and she couldn’t help but feel a little happy because he was so happy. She felt his joy at seeing his sister and her lips curved in a smile, which was what he saw when he glanced at her. “Kari. Are you okay?” “I’m fine. I’m so glad you’re awake. I’m sure you’d like some time alone with your sister. I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I’m just going to...go find my sister.” “Kari—” “Don’t get up.” She laid her hand on his shoulder and pushed him back into the bed. He went without a fight and she could tell he wasn’t healed completely. Only rest would accomplish that. “You need to sleep. I’ll be by to check on you later.” She could tell he wanted to say something more but then he glanced at his sister and he nodded. “Thank you. Both of you.” He glanced at Den before looking back at Kari. She couldn’t tell what he was thinking but it was probably better that way. She probably didn’t want to know. She made her escape quickly because she felt tears hovering and she didn’t want Jacoby to see them. “Kari, are you okay?” In the hall outside Jacoby’s room in the lucani gathering hall, she forced a smile for Den. “I’m fine. I just need to...go.” His hand landed on her shoulder and stopped her in her tracks. “Kinda seems like you’re running. And you know when you run, I have to follow.” This time she didn’t have to force her smile. “I’m glad to hear that. I just need a few minutes to myself.” “Just make sure they’re only a few minutes. I’m not leaving you. We’re not leaving you. Even if you wanted us to go, I wouldn’t. Not now. You know that, right?” It sounded like a vow. One she wanted to believe. But things were different now. Jacoby had his sister and Den had his mother to think about. And she was about to be completely obsolete. She lifted her hand and stroked it down his cheek, loving the feel of his stubble against her palm. Even now wanting to feel it against her bare thighs. “Thank you, Den. I just need a little time to...get some things in order.” His gaze narrowed but he nodded and didn’t follow her when she walked away.