Kari’s mouth dropped open. “Say what now?”

“Right?” Nortia help up one hand. “Shocked the hell out of me, too.”

“And your men are Cat’s guardians.” Kari pointed at Amity. “And your man is still half goat.” She turned to Hinthial, who rolled her eyes. Then she turned to Nortia. “And your man... Wait, you don’t have a man, unless I missed something in the months I was gone.”

“Would you like me to entwine your fate with that of a steer in cattle country?” Nortia spoke so sweetly, Kari had to laugh. “I’m perfectly content on my own. Much easier that way. Most men aren’t worth the trouble.”

“You used to say no man was worth the trouble.” Amity focused her full attention on Nortia now. “I wonder what changed.”

“Nothing’s changed for me but you all seem to have found men who make you happy so there must be some decent men in the world.”

“Oh, there are. Most definitely.”

All eyes turned back to Kari.

“So I was right.” Amity crossed her arms over her chest, her lips curved in a knowing smile. “There is something going on with the three of you.”

“What is it with you both having two men?” Lucy shook her head. “I have my hands full with just one.”

Kari exchanged a smile with Amity, whose expression lightened.

“Don’t knock it ’til you try it.” Kari sighed. “And speaking of my two men, I think I need to go find them. I know they’re planning to go get Jacoby’s sister and I have the feeling I need to go with them.”

“Do you really think that’s necessary?” Amity leaned forward and took her hand. “You just got away. I don’t think you should put yourself that close to the Mal again. What if they take you and Jacoby’s sister? That would be a catastrophe.”

“I need to be there for her. I just know I do.”

Amity gave a long sigh. “Then let’s hope your men are as good as you think they are. I don’t want to lose you again.”

“Trust me, I don’t want to be lost. But I also don’t want to sit on the sidelines and be useless anymore. I need to do this.”