“I’m sorry, Lady—”
“Kari.” Her smile made every muscle in his body tense. “Just Kari. Why is it so difficult for you and Jacoby to use my name?”
“Because you’re a goddess.”
Her laughter rang out, making every hair on his body stand on end. And made his cock harder than it already was. Now, it was stiff as a board and throbbing against the zipper of his pants, demanding he take her.
“I’m still a woman, Den. A woman with desires and needs.”
Holy fuck. He could barely breathe. Was she seriously coming on to him? Could she really want him?
Or was she just using him? Did she think he’d release her if she let him fuck her?
What would she say if he told her exactly what he and Jacoby planned to do with her?
She took a step closer and he almost took a step back. Which was stupid. He wasn’t afraid of her. The exact opposite, actually.
But if he took what he wanted...
Vaffanculo, he could screw up everything.
His gaze sharpened on hers. What did she want?
She took another step closer and reached out to put her hand on his arm.
“What do you want, Den?”
Her slight emphasis on that one word hit him low in the gut. He couldn’t remember the last time anyone had asked him that.
“I’m not sure I should tell you.”
“You can tell me anything. I’m a really good listener.”
He wanted to tell her everything. Knew, instinctively, that he could trust her.
His gaze slipped to the camera again and, in that split second, she raised her hand and cupped his jaw.
“Trust me. They can’t see a thing.”
His gaze locked with hers and he sucked in much-needed air. And when he released it, he released his self-imposed restraints along with it.
He did trust her. He just wasn’t sure it would’ve mattered to him if the fucking head of the Malandante was behind that camera. In a split-second, he wrapped one hand around her neck, dragged her forward and slammed his mouth down on hers. Three months of leashed desire spilled out as heat seared through him like a blowtorch flame. Her lips softened against his and every muscle in his body tightened into a steel band, every nerve ending sizzling with the contact. His mouth devoured hers, her sweet taste exploding on his tongue and flooding him with adrenaline. Vaffanculo, why the fuck had he waited so damn long to taste her? He wanted to inhale her but didn’t want to rush. Wanted to kiss her until she went boneless against him. His fingers itched to slide down her body, mold her curves, rub his thumb over her nipples. He’d been dying to touch her for weeks and not just the accidental, or not so accidental, brushes they’d had until now. No, he wanted to shove his hands under her shirt and hold the weight of her breasts in his hands. Kari never wore a bra and the woman didn’t need one. She was perfect from head to toe. And holy fuck, the way she kissed... He didn’t think he’d ever get enough. Especially not now that he’d tasted her. And if she’s only using you, hoping you’ll let her leave? Right now, he didn’t give a fuck about that. He only wanted to continue to devour her. Sliding his hands down to her shoulders, he drew her closer, kissing her harder and slanting his mouth to get an even better angle. She accommodated his every move, opening her mouth to him even more. She felt delicate under his hands but he knew she wasn’t. She wasn’t one of those tiny Barbie-doll women who looked like they’d snap if you touched them. No, Kari was curved and lush and built exactly the way a woman should be. And made for his hands, which slipped from her shoulders to her back and pressed her forward. She came willingly, her arms sliding around his waist. She wasn’t tall enough to put them around his shoulders. Instead, she let her hands rest on his hips, just above the waistband of his pants. If she moved her hands under his t-shirt, she could slide her fingers beneath his pants and pet his ass. Gods be damned, he really wanted her hands on his ass. Right now, though, he’d take what he could get. His hands slid even lower to cup her ass. She made a soft sound low in her throat and he answered with a groan he couldn’t contain. Which only seemed to make her soften more. When her tongue flicked against his lips, he let her in, let her slide inside and control the pace for several seconds before he couldn’t help himself. He needed more. With his hands on her ass, he lifted her off her feet and brought her lips on a level with his. Now her arms rose to wind around his shoulders and he chased her tongue back into her mouth. She opened to him, her lips parting so he could take her mouth more completely as her legs wrapped around his waist. Her sleek thighs tightened and the knowledge that her pussy was so damn close to his cock nearly made his head explode. If they were naked, he’d be able to sink deep inside her right now. Just the thought made his dick throb, pressing against his zipper and demanding freedom. He wanted to take her here and now and consequences be damned. But he had more to consider than just slaking his hunger for her. With a sigh, he let himself kiss her for another two heartbeats before he reluctantly pulled away. The soft sound of protest she made and the way she clung to him made him want to flatten her against the nearest wall. But he had to be smart about this if he and Jacoby were going to be able to complete their plan. He pulled away, drawing his head back far enough that she couldn’t reach him. As her eyes opened, he saw no anger in expression, just curiosity. His gut clenched as another wave of lust swept through him.
Gods be damned, she is so fucking sexy. His jaw clenched against the urge to take her mouth again but he was pretty sure if he didn’t stop now, he wouldn’t stop at all. He’d strip her naked and pound her against the wall until neither of them could walk. “Why did you stop?” Her voice held lazy interest, as if she knew she could have him back where she wanted him with a snap of her fingers. Which was absolutely true. His gaze flicked to the camera and her lips curved in one of those sweet-sexy smiles again. “Don’t you trust me, Den?” He did. But they’d spent the last three months stuck in this cabin alone with Jacoby and an everincreasing level of lust and that was surely fucking with his head. So she’d have to excuse him if he didn’t trust himself. And for all he knew, she could simply be using him to gain her release. “I don’t trust myself.” Her head cocked to the side and her expression softened. “Why is that?” “You shouldn’t trust me either.” Because he wanted—no, he needed something from her and he’d do anything to ensure his mother was safe. Her eyes narrowed and she lost the slight smile. Then she lifted one hand to his cheek and let her fingers trail along his jaw. “What’s put that look on your face?” He thought about his response for almost a full minute. She waited quietly, her touch making him hyper-aware of her. “We should wait for Jacoby.” Her eyebrows rose and that slight smile returned. “I’m more than happy to wait for Jacoby to return if that means I get to have you both.” His mouth dropped open before he could catch it and, as her smile widened, his gaze narrowed. “Oh, don’t look so surprised.” Her laughter echoed through the room. “Don’t tell me you haven’t thought about it.” Shit, yeah, he’d thought about it. but it wasn’t something he and Jacoby had discussed. It’d just never come up, even though they’d been friends since childhood and had the same taste in women. Maybe it had something to do with the way they’d been brought up. Plural relationships weren’t common in their circles. The Mal were disgustingly old-fashioned and stuck in the past when it came to relationships. Most of the men believed women belonged in the house, raising good little Mal babies and keeping their mouths shut while the men plotted world domination. Those men would never comprehend the fact that women were the stronger sex. Den understood. His father hadn’t but his mother had taught him how strong women had to be to put up with the shit their men did. “Where did you go just now?” He automatically glanced at the camera. He trusted Kari. He did. He just couldn’t take the chance of someone discovering the plans he and Jacoby had made. Too many lives depended on keeping this secret. He shook his head and kept his mouth shut. Amazingly, she didn’t push. “Okay, you can keep your secrets...for now. But you know where to find me if you decide to take me up on my offer.” Then she turned and walked out into the front room. He stayed behind, trying to get his head on straight. She’d rattled him—no, not rattled. She’d cranked him up and now he wanted her more than he had before. If that were even possible. Vaffanculo, he needed to talk to Jacoby openly. They needed to figure out how they were going to make Kari, Den’s mother and Jacoby’s sister disappear from three different locations at the same time. Without getting caught or ending up dead. Might as well wish for a miracle because that had a much better chance of actually happening.