The plan they’d cobbled together required the wolves to snatch his sister and Den’s mom practically off the street. To say it’d be practically impossible was an understatement. His sister had a personal guard at all times. Den’s mother barely ever left her home and, if she did, only with her husband. And they had to put this whole operation together in a few hours while managing to keep up the appearance that he and Den weren’t planning to turn on their friends and family in the most unforgiveable way possible. Den’s mother might never forgive him. But at least she had the possibility of surviving the mysterious disease that was killing her. His sister... Emelia had been sheltered her entire life and they were about to uproot her and give her over to the people she’d been taught to view as the enemy. She was twenty-one and had never traveled more than a few miles from her home. He and Den would never be safe to be around. The Mal would hunt them relentlessly. “Jack.” Den’s blade-sharp tone cut through the fog in his brain. “Control it, man. You’re about to blow.” Holy shit. His gaze dropped to his hands, clenched into fists on top of the railing. The wood below was scorched. A few more minutes and he might’ve set the whole damn porch on fire. With a power no one but Den knew he had. “I need to walk it off.” Den’s hand clamped on his shoulder before he could walk away. “Don’t go far.” The unease he saw in Den’s eyes made Jacoby’s guilt increase. Den had enough worry about. He didn’t need to add to the weight on his friend’s shoulders. Nodding, he stepped off the porch and started to walk.


Den watched Jacoby stalk off into the woods surrounding the cabin. He could sense his friend’s raging uncertainties but had no idea how to ease them because he was dealing with the same.

But they couldn’t stop now. The plan they’d set in motion needed to progress if they had any hope of getting his mom and Jacoby’s sister out.

And keeping Kari safe.

“What’s wrong with Jacoby? He’s upset.”

Turning, he saw Kari standing in the doorway to the cabin, her gaze following Jacoby as he disappeared into the trees.

“Nothing. He’s fine. How are you, Lady Kari?”

Her smile made his cock harden.

How the fuck was he supposed to keep his head in the game when all he wanted to do was strip her naked and pound her against the nearest flat surface?

He supposed he should be respectful. She was a goddess, after all. But he only saw the woman, which would probably be his downfall. The ancient myths and legends were filled with stories of men who foolishly thought they could screw around with the gods and get out alive.

He should probably take that into consideration the next time he thought about putting his hands on her.

“I’m fine, thank you. I just needed a little fresh air. It’s gotten so much colder just in the last few days. I’d love to have a fire tonight.”

“Of course.” Den bowed his head. “Anything you’d like.”

“Well, now, that’s a leading statement, isn’t it?”

Shit. He really needed to watch his mouth. The Mal could still send their replacements tomorrow and that would fuck up everything they were trying to accomplish.

But he hadn’t been able to get this morning’s kiss off his mind. The memory popped into his head at least every five minutes and was getting harder and harder to ignore. He should’ve told Jacoby, should’ve come clean but... Jacoby had way too much on his mind already. Den just needed to hold it together for a few more days. Then he could let her burn him to ash if that’s what she wanted. After she and his mother and Jacoby’s sister were out. “I’m sorry, Den, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.” “You didn’t. At least, not in a way I don’t enjoy.” And there was that smile again. The one that made him want to say “fuck it” to everything, drop to his knees and worship her with his mouth right here on the porch. Jacoby would probably have a seizure when he got back. Then again, maybe it would be the push he needed to admit he had the same feelings for this woman, this goddess who appeared to want him as much as he wanted her. Den would have no problem sharing her with his best friend. He’d be happy to have any part of her at all. He knew it wouldn’t last, that he’d only be a temporary plaything for her. He’d be good with that. “Why don’t you come back inside? I’ll help you build that fire. We can talk.” His gaze narrowed. “Talk about what?” Usually when people wanted to talk, it was bad news. She shrugged. “I’d just like to know more about you.” Pushing away from the porch railing where he’d been leaning, he waved her ahead of him into the cabin and headed for the rustic stone fireplace in the center of the room. “There’s not much to tell. I’m a soldier. When I graduated from high school, I went straight into training. When I finished after two years, I got my assignment and I’ve been living here in New York ever since.” “Do you like working for the Mal?” He set up the fire and put a match to the paper beneath the logs before he answered. Gave him time to think about his answer. “It’s all I’ve ever known. The first four years, I worked building security until someone higher up realized I had a few more brains than the average grunt.” Curling herself into the corner of the couch in front of the fireplace, she patted the cushion next to her. He really wanted to take it. He also didn’t want to test his restraint. So he left that seat open and took the one on the other end. It left a couple of feet between them and did nothing to help his restraint. Not when she looked so damn sexy. Before he’d met her, he’d thought sexy meant anorexic women in expensive underwear. Now... She wore a long-sleeved, v-neck t-shirt that clung to her full breasts and made it clear she wasn’t wearing a bra. Her skirt was loose and fringed and hid her legs to just above her ankles but still showed off her curved hips. He couldn’t think of any woman who would tempt him more right now. Especially with that smile that made it clear she knew what he was doing and exactly what he was thinking. “You’re not just muscle, though, are you?” Tricky question. And one he couldn’t answer honestly. There were some things he couldn’t even trust to tell her. “I’m a soldier.” Her smile tilted in a way that told him she understood what he wasn’t saying. “So how long have you and Jacoby known each other?” The question threw him for a second. “Since grade school.” “Private, I assume. The Mal don’t sent their children to just any school, do they?” “I thought you said you didn’t know much about the Mal?”

“That makes me a bad goddess, doesn’t it? We’re supposed to love all our subjects. You have to admit, some are easier to love than others, though.”

Especially those who worshipped you and didn’t kidnap you so they could force you to give your powers to your successor.

And this was a conversation they probably shouldn’t be having now.

“Would you like to watch TV, Lady?”

Again, her smile made his gut hollow and his cock jerk in his pants.


“I’m good just watching the fire for now, but thank you, Den.”

And he was fine sitting here watching her. Waiting for a call that let him know their plan was a go.


Kari forced herself to keep her gaze on the fire instead of staring longingly at Den. If anyone was watching, they’d surely see the hunger in her eyes and that could lead to questions and questions could lead to the Mal thinking maybe they needed to get new guards in place immediately. And nothing had been set in motion yet for the rescue of Den and Jacoby’s family.

Even though she had no plans to stay here without these two men, she didn’t want anything to happen to their loved ones. Especially not if she somehow caused them harm.

So she sat quietly, watched the flames dance and hoped Sal came through. It would take time to set up a plan but she had faith that Sal could do it. The salbinelli had hundreds of years of experience as a master gamesman. If the CIA ever enticed him to work for them, the United States would know every secret of every world leader.

He was just that good. The timing of everything was the problem.