“Why? What’d you do?”
“Good question.”
“Did you piss her off?”
“Not exactly. I asked her to come to the game tonight. She said she had to work.”
“Well, she’s got a job, right? My parents can’t get to the game tonight either.” CJ shrugged. “It sucks but I know they’ll be watching. There’ll be another game. I know I just need to focus tonight. Probably better if they’re not here.”
He huffed out a laugh then shook his head. “Damn, kid. Maybe you’re smarter than you look.”
“Hey, what do you mean maybe? I’m way smarter than I look.”
And maybe Riley needed to take a page out of the kid’s book and just focus on tomorrow.
And when he’d made his mark in Philly, he’d be back to make his mark on Aly.