Another blush because her sister had insisted on driving her into the game tonight so Riley would have to take her home. “No, I don’t have my car. I, ah, caught a ride with my sister. She works a few blocks away at a tattoo shop.”
Riley’s smile grew impossibly wider and hotter. “I like your sister.”
He stopped at his truck, threw his bag in the back then opened the passenger door for her before getting in the other side.
“I’m sure you would. She’s amazing.”
“Then she’s probably a lot like you.”
She’d never dated a guy who was so comfortable dishing out compliments. It was a little unnerving. And completely endearing.
“Actually we’re pretty different.”
He just smiled. “So, where are we going?”
She thought about it for a few seconds as he started the truck. She wanted to have him to herself.
“There’s a place in Exeter that does great burgers. The kitchen’s open until midnight. It’s kind of quiet—”
“Sounds perfect. Just point me in the right direction.”
She thought about her response for a second. “You didn’t seem to have trouble finding your way around last night.”
His laughter filled the car, making her want to close the space between them and snuggle up to his side. “There you go, hon. You do have a little naughty in you.”
Shaking her head, she rolled her eyes. “You’re the only one who seems to bring it out in me.”
His grin got impossibly hotter. “Glad to hear it. Now let’s go eat so I can corrupt you a little more.”
* * * * *
Riley had had a great fucking game.
His line had actually had a better plus-minus than the first line tonight and he’d scored and had an assist.
Now, he had only one goal in mind: Get her in bed.
Before the game, he’d only been able to think about her. During the game, he’d compartmentalized that lust. But now it burned like lava in his veins.
It might have blinded him to the fact that he didn’t realize Aly had something on her mind until they were on their way back to her place.
He hadn’t noticed anything wrong during dinner. They’d talked and laughed and he’d flirted and she’d smiled. And his dick had gotten harder every time she looked at him and shook her head at something he told her.
But he’d noticed a hesitancy about her, like she had something on the tip of her tongue but every time she thought about speaking, she held back.
He’d thought maybe it was just because they didn’t know each other that well and he was hyped from the game.
But now, sitting alone together in the quiet cab, he knew something was up.
He didn’t want to get into it while they were driving, so he’d waited until he’d parked in front of her house.
As he watched, she glanced at her home then looked back at him. “Do you want to come in?”
“Yeah, I do, but… Are you sure you want me to? Is something wrong?”
She tried to hide her grimace but he caught it before she could.
He moved a little closer. “Did something happen at the game?”