“Hey, Aly. You okay?”
She glanced up at Bliss’s voice, forcing a smile she didn’t feel.
“I’m fine.” She stood to let Lori get by her. “It’s really loud in here today. Hard to hold a conversation.”
“Yeah, the team’s been on a marketing push to get people in the seats. Seems to be working.”
Bliss’s gaze shot over her shoulder to the younger women who were still chatting away, although now it was harder to hear them, what with the throbbing music and the announcer talking about season tickets.
“There are definitely more people here today than last night.” She raised her brows at Aly. “Some of them really don’t need to be. Guess you heard the idiot twins spouting off?”
“No, not really. Sounds like they know Riley, though.”
Bliss rolled her eyes. “They don’t know shit. Ignore them.”
Shrugging, Aly sighed. “I don’t know him either. I only met the man two days ago. How can you get to know someone in such a short time?”
Especially when some of that time had been spent scrambling her brain cells with amazing sex.
Which just meant he’d had a lot of practice.
“Well, I’m glad you’re here again today.” Bliss smiled. “And that you’re enjoying the game. I’d never really been to a Redtails game before I started dating Shane. Now I can’t even think about summer and the off season. It’s like being punished.”
Aly laughed, shaking her head. “You’ve become a true convert.”
“I have. It doesn’t hurt that my guy is a damn good player.”
Behind them, the younger girls who’d been talking about Riley exploded into laughter, though now they’d lowered their voices enough that Aly couldn’t hear them.
Bliss rolled her eyes again and leaned over to whisper into Aly’s ear. “The puck bunnies are just jealous because they haven’t been able to snag a player yet this season. Most of the older guys are beyond screwing every girl who gives them a look. And a lot of this year’s team seem a little more…grounded, if you know what I mean. Don’t get me wrong, there are still a few looking to get laid every night, but they’re not all horndogs.”
“But Riley has a reputation, doesn’t he?”
Sighing, Bliss’s nose wrinkled. “I’m really not trying to deflect and I’m not making excuses but…yeah, he has a reputation. Although I can honestly say, since he’s been here, he hasn’t dated anyone but you. I think, after his divorce, he—”
“His divorce?”
Bliss’s eyes went wide. “Shit, he didn’t tell you?” She groaned. “Me and my big mouth. Damn it, I thought you knew. I don’t think it’s a state secret or anything because he mentioned it in passing when we’d met. I think it’s been years since it was finalized. She was his high school sweetheart but she couldn’t deal with him being on the road all the time. Or something. I really don’t know details. You need to ask him.” She grimaced. “And then tell him I’m sorry for opening my big mouth.”
Aly shook her head, feeling sorry for making Bliss feel bad. “No harm, no foul. I mean, we’ve all got a past.”
“You’re absolutely right. My past involved an emotionally abusive ex who almost made me give up Shane. Luckily I pulled my shit together and now I can’t imagine my life without him. Stuff works out. And now I need a drink so I don’t continue to run at the mouth.”
Aly laughed and followed Bliss to the beer stand, but throughout the rest of the game, her mind continued to come back to the fact that Shane had been married.
She didn’t know why it bothered her. Hell, they’d just met. It wasn’t like they’d shared every aspect of their lives and he’d hidden that fact from her. It just hadn’t come up yet.
And so what if he’d slept with a few girls, or maybe more than a few? She’d slept with other guys. Okay, maybe she could count on one hand the number of guys she’d slept with. That only made her picky. Nothing wrong with that.
Riley hadn’t been picky. She couldn’t exactly hold that against him. They didn’t have an exclusive relationship. They’d had two dates and spent one absolutely amazing hour fucking each other’s brains out.
It just meant there was no way she would get attached. Yes, the sex had been great. And she hoped there’d be more tonight. And if their affair continued for a week or a month…great. Eventually it would end. She’d keep her emotions out of the equation and enjoy the hell out of the orgasms.
As she waited for Riley, she saw Shane wrap his arms around Bliss and kiss her, smiling when Shane grabbed her tight and lifted her off her feet.
The expression on his face…no one could doubt how he felt about Bliss.
The guy loved her.