Page 42 of The Grinder

Chapter Five

“Hey, Aly. I had a great time last night and I really want to see you again tonight. Game’s at five tonight if you want to come. I’ll leave tickets at will-call. Then maybe we can get some food.” He paused and, when he spoke again, his voice had dropped a few octaves and she had to listen closely to hear him. “Or maybe we can just find a bed and I can make you come a few times before we get to the really good stuff. Up to you. Let me know about the tickets.”

Standing in her kitchen by herself, Aly blushed even though no one could hear the message Riley had left on her phone.

But that blush wasn’t embarrassment. No, his words ignited a firestorm of heat in her body. Her thighs clenched, her nipples peaked, and her hand curled into fists.

It was her own fault. She’d told him last night she wanted everything he had to give her and to be as dirty as he wanted. He’d taken her at her word, which she loved.

Riley hadn’t known her all her life. He didn’t know that she was such a goody-two-shoes that most people who knew her were shocked when she said “damn.”

They’d probably think she’d been possessed by the devil if they found out what she’d done with Riley last night. And what she planned to do with Riley tonight.

She wanted to be bad.

Shaking her head, she forced herself to put the groceries away instead of listening to that message again.

Vivi was at the tattoo studio, where she’d be most of the day before she and her friends headed out to the bars, where they’d be before hitting the after-hours clubs until four or five in the morning.

Aly had never understood the appeal of getting so drunk you couldn’t remember what you did the night before, but Vivi seemed to enjoy the hell out of it. Mostly because their mom absolutely hated that she did it.

But tonight it meant that Vivi would probably crash on a friend’s couch for the night and she and Riley could make as much noise as they wanted and she wouldn’t have to hear about it from her sister tomorrow morning.

But it also meant she’d probably be going to the game by herself tonight. Hopefully she’d be able to sit with Lori and Bliss.

Finally, after every last can had been stowed, she pressed the call button on her phone and was a little disappointed when it went straight to voice mail.

“You’ve reached Riley. Leave me a message.”

Holy crap. How amazing was it that just the sound of his voice made her want to pant?

“Hi. It’s me. Aly.” She rolled her eyes. “I’d love to come to the game tonight so thanks. And,” she paused and sucked in a fortifying breath, “why don’t we come back to my place for drinks afterward? See you soon.”

She hung up, hoping she hadn’t sounded like a rabid nympho whose only goal in life was to get laid. Or worse, like a pathetic twenty-eight-year-old who hadn’t gotten laid for months before last night.

“Well, you got laid last night. And you can’t complain about that.”

With a smile, she looked at the clock and sighed, wondering if she’d be able to breathe by the time the puck dropped.

* * * * *

“You look like the cat who ate the pussy. You obviously had a good time last night. She is very nice, yes, to put that smile on your face.”

The noise level in the locker room was high as the team dressed for warm-ups, but Jake had made sure everyone could hear him.

Riley stifled a groan as the rest of the team threw things at Jake for his deliberate mangling of the English language. Everyone knew he’d done it deliberately. His English was perfect when it had to be.

Riley even managed to suppress his instinct to flip Jake off because that would just make him worse and draw attention Riley didn’t want.

If the team didn’t need the little prick so badly, Riley would lay Jake out on the ice. He’d ring his bell hard and then he’d do it once more for good measure. And the rest of the team would laugh because the guy fucking deserved it.

But the guy was too damn good on the ice.

“Dude, you fucking score more than Ovechkin.” Winger Tyler Richardson shook his head, shit-eating grin on his face as he pulled up his shorts. “I wanna be you when I grow up.”

On the other hand, Tyler would probably ride the bench most of the season. Riley could take him out with no hassle. Except then Riley would be riding the bench.

“Maybe you could give me some pointers,” Tyler continued to needle him. “Like how you managed those twins last year. Your reputation precedes you, man. I bow down to your expertise.”