Page 27 of The Grinder

“Something to eat?”

He let his mouth curve slightly and watched her cheeks redden slightly. “Not hungry…for food.”

He felt her hips lift under his hands, felt the zipper of her jeans brush against his cock for a brief second before she moved away.

“Want to watch some TV?”

“Only if you’re standing in front of it taking your clothes off.”

She blinked and he thought maybe he’d just stuck his foot in his mouth. Then she laughed.

And hot sex against the door became a very real possibility.

She stepped into him, put her hands on his jaw and pulled him down so she could kiss him.

Surprise made him freeze for about a millisecond. Then he got with the program.

He tightened his hold on her hips and dragged her closer. She came without hesitation, plastering herself against him from chest to thighs and adding fuel to the fire already burning in his blood.

Kissing him hard, she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and opened her mouth to him.

The kiss went from blazing to inferno in the blink of an eye and his brain blanked out everything but her and his need to have her.

As his tongue slid along hers, he groaned when she returned the caress with her own.


His cock hardened into a painful, throbbing ache and he pulled her hips against his, pressing his erection against her mound, trying to get some relief. She moaned into his mouth and rubbed her hips against him.

Her lips soft and open beneath his, she arched her back, pressing her breasts against his chest as she rose on her toes. Her fingers slid into his hair and tugged on the strands. His scalp stung but, damn, he liked it.

Pressing harder into the kiss, he let his hands spread on her hips then slide around to her back so he could urge her even closer. But he didn’t think he’d ever be able to get her close enough. At least not with her clothes on.

And since she seemed to be totally with the program, he didn’t think she’d push him away if she slipped his hand under her shirt to get to her bare skin. Because, damn, all he wanted to do right now was touch her.

Putting one hand on her ass, he let the other slip under the hem and groaned as his fingers encountered warm flesh.

So damn soft.

God damn, this was gonna get out of hand fast.

He thought about slowing down but then she scraped her nails along his scalp, shooting lightning bolts through his body and nuking any thoughts of going slow.

Tangling his tongue with hers, he put one hand on her ass and took her off her feet. She gasped but quickly wrapped her legs around his waist, never breaking the kiss.

Fuck yes.

He let their tongues tangle for several more minutes, loving the taste of her and the feel of her body against his. She was soft in all the right places and the urge to have his hands touching every inch of her had become an overwhelming desire.

With her hands in his hair and her legs around his waist, she let him know she was right there with him.

All the frustration from tonight’s game fed into his lust, made it burn hotter, until he couldn’t stand to only have one hand and his mouth on her.

Pulling away, he wanted to say something but she followed him, her lips clinging and her hands pressing him back toward her. With a groan, he let her dictate terms since she seemed to be intent on kissing him and he had no trouble with that.

Her enthusiasm made his dick even harder, and he hoped like hell he didn’t come in his pants. How fucking embarrassing would that be?

But damn, the woman knew exactly what to do to make him hot. Her tongue slid along his with so much teasing eroticism, every muscle in his body clenched.