Sliding one hand into her hair, he tugged her head back even farther and spread his other hand across her back. She wasn’t going anywhere unless he allowed it.
The thought made him want to growl, made him want to put his hands on her ass and lift her into him.
He wanted to strip off her clothes and—
Hell, that definitely wasn’t happening here.
He stepped away, breathing hard, gratified to hear her gasp.
“I think we should probably get out of here.”
She nodded, sucking in a deep breath. “I think you’re right. Are you hungry? We could—”
“I’m not thinking about food.”
And there was that smile again, the one that made every muscle in his body clench with anticipation.
“Then I guess we better go.”
He didn’t move for another few seconds, sifting his fingers through her hair before reluctantly releasing her.
But he didn’t move away, his gaze locked with hers. Her eyes mesmerized, such a calm, tranquil blue.
And her voice… Damn, he could listen to her for hours. Preferably while she screamed his name as he made her come.
After a few more seconds, he took a step back, just enough for her to slip out from between him and the car and head for the driver’s door.
“I guess you don’t want to talk about the game,” she asked after he folded himself into her car.
He shrugged. “Bad night. Wasn’t the first. Won’t be the last.”
She slid him a glance before putting the car in gear and putting them on the road. “You seem…like there’s something else on your mind.”
“The only thing on my mind right now is you.”
Which was totally true. He’d worry about his game tomorrow. Tonight, he only wanted to think about her.
“Tell me what you did today.” He honestly wanted to know. He wanted to know everything about her.
Her soft laughter did crazy things to his insides.
“Not a damn thing that isn’t totally boring.”
“Why don’t you let me be the judge of that.”
“Seriously, I cooked, I cleaned…I kept looking at the clock to see if it was time to leave for the game.”
She looked at him and smiled, and he had to keep telling himself he couldn’t touch her. Because if he did, they’d wind up in an accident.
“Glad to hear you’re enjoying the games.”
“I enjoy watching you.”
Oh fuck. The things he wanted to say to her right now could get him arrested in some states and would definitely involve putting his hands on her. And then they’d be in real trouble.
“You can watch me whenever you want.”