“That is a question I will be asking you. You looked good last night. You and CJ. Tonight you will be even better.”
Last night’s game had been a hard-fought battle for sixty long minutes. The Colonials had been on top of the game the entire night until the final minutes when the Hawks had scored twice, winning the game.
“Thanks, man. So you got to watch?”
“Yes, most of the team was at Shane’s place last night to watch. Some people who weren’t with the team, too.”
If he’d been a dog, Riley’s ears would’ve pointed. “Oh yeah? Like who?”
“Like Allison. Very pretty. Confused as to what she saw in you but seems like a smart lady otherwise.”
Sitting in his car in the arena’s underground parking lot, Riley shook his head, ignoring the sharp pain in his chest at the mention of her name. He’d arrived early for tonight’s game, but once he entered the arena, he’d have to turn his phone off. The team banned cell phone use once the guys got to the arena before a game and until they were on their way home afterward.
“And fuck you twice, my Russian friend. Don’t you have a game tonight that you need to be getting ready for?”
Jake laughed. “That is all you have to say? I am disappointed. What happened to Chickie? Seems your new team might need a guy like you tonight. Get people fired up. And your geography skills remain sadly lacking. Okay, I only want to call and give you hard time. And tell you good luck tonight.”
By the time Jake had shut up, Riley was grinning.
“Hey, Jake. Thanks. I appreciate the love.”
“I have much love to spread today so is no problem. Just remember the little people you came up with, yes? Talk to you soon.”
Riley nodded though he knew Jake couldn’t see him. “Keep in touch. Seriously.”
“You too. Kick ass tonight, Hatch.”
Jake didn’t say good-bye. The call simply disconnected, leaving Riley with one burning question.
Why had Aly watched the game with his team?
Only because she and Bliss had become friends? Or was he right to think maybe—
Fuck. He shook his head. Now wasn’t the time to think about this. He didn’t want it to fuck with his head before the game. Last night had sucked, to be ahead for all of the game and to lose it in the last seconds. Coach hadn’t been happy last night and a few of the guys, Riley included, had gone out to drown their sorrows.
Probably not something he’d do again. He’d gone only because he had nothing else to do. No one to go home to, no one he wanted to call to talk to.
No Aly.
But she’d been at Shane’s last night.
So what? That only proved she liked Bliss.
She hadn’t called or texted him the entire day.
And there’s your answer, asshole.
Time to move on.
He got out of his car and headed into the arena.
* * * * *
“So? Are you ready?”
Aly rolled her eyes and sighed. “I don’t know. Maybe this wasn’t such a great idea, Viv. What if he doesn’t want to see me? What if he’s already dating someone else? What if he just doesn’t care that I’m here? I don’t want to make him uncomfortable. This is his job.”
“He’ll feel the same way you would if he showed up at the hospital with a sign proclaiming his feelings for you. You’d melt into a little puddle of goo and promise him sexual favors when you get him alone.”