Page 55 of The Grinder

Chapter Six

An annoying beep woke Riley out of a deep sleep.

He frowned, ready to chew Justin’s ass for not turning off his alarm, especially since this was their morning off.

Then he realized this wasn’t his bed. And Justin was nowhere to be found.

Beside him, Aly was a sleek mass of warm, naked flesh and silky hair. He’d curled around her so her back was nestled against his chest and her ass snuggled against his groin. Of course, he had stiff morning wood pressed right between her cheeks and damn, if that didn’t feel great.

Her head lay on his bicep and he was pretty sure his arm was asleep and would hurt like a bitch when she moved, but he could lie here all fucking day and never get up, if he got to keep her naked and warm beside him.

Turning his head, he rubbed his chin against her hair and curled his arm even more tightly around her waist.

He breathed in her scent, something warm and floral and sexy as hell.


She was going to have to get up soon, but he wondered if she’d have enough time for a quickie before she needed to get ready for work.

He was bending forward to nuzzle his nose into her neck before he bit her and slid his hand from her stomach to her mound when she sighed and shot straight up in bed.

“Oh shit.”

Flopping onto his back, Riley laughed so hard his stomach hurt but it was worth it when she turned to glare at him.

Jesus, she was gorgeous. Her hair was all messy and it looked good on her, falling over those beautiful tits and making him want to get his mouth on them again.

Scrambling onto her knees, she put her hands on her naked hips and glared even harder. Which just made his cock stiffer. “How long have you been awake?”

“Long enough to want to get back inside you before you have to go to work.”

She blinked at him a few times, her lips parted like she was going to say something, but she never did. Finally, she shook her head and huffed out a laugh.

“I really wish I had time for that. But I have to be there in an hour and I need a shower.”

Crunching up, he grabbed her around the waist before she could move away, loving the little squeak she made when he lifted her into the air so he could move her over him. Her knees landed on either side of his hips and her hands slapped down on his shoulders.

“I could make that shower worth your while.”

Laughing, she bent to kiss him, her hair hanging down around his face, a silky curtain he wanted to feel on his chest, his stomach. His thighs.

He wanted her to bend down and kiss him but she stayed where she was, staring in his eyes. “And then I would definitely be late for work. Don’t you have practice this morning?”

“Not until eleven because of the back-to-back-to-back games.”

Shaking her head, her lips were curved in a smile he wanted to taste. “Well, I can’t be late. We have a staff meeting every Monday at ten.”

“Then take the day off. I’ll take you to breakfast and we can buy lunch and we can eat it in bed where we’ll spend the rest of the day until I have to go to practice.”

“Oh, so you go to practice but I can’t go to work?” She lifted her eyebrows at him and his cock jerked in response.

She must have felt it move against her leg because she glanced down before looking back into his eyes. But she was still grinning.

“Okay, Plan B. Quickie now then you go to work and I go to practice. Then we’ll meet up for dinner and we can get to bed a little earlier so we don’t have this same problem tomorrow morning.”

She sucked in her bottom lip and bit on it for a few seconds before she answered. “So you want to be here again tomorrow morning?”

“Of course.” He shrugged like it was no big deal, but he could see by her expression that she was going to be a harder nut to crack than a pro with twenty years under his belt. “But we’ve got a road trip to Springfield Wednesday and we’ve got practice daily until then so maybe I should get some sleep, at least a few nights.”