She shrugged but her smile was the most natural expression Ian had ever seen on her face. “Guys just aren’t used to seeing women play a game like they do. I think it makes them nervous.”
“Ian and I were just discussing how we’re not going to make you angry. You’ll beat us up.”
Her cheeks definitely grew a little redder. “Only if you want me to.”
Ben laughed again and a few more women turned to look at him. And maybe one or two of the guys. “Oh honey, you can do whatever you want to me. I’ll like it.”
Her gaze flashed to Ian and her smile dimmed a little. Damn it, that’s not how he wanted her to respond. But he really didn’t know how to do this banter shit either.
“Are you enjoying the game, Ian?”
He nodded and answered truthfully. “I enjoy watching you play.”
Apparently, he could do some things right because her smile returned to full wattage.
She held his gaze for another few seconds, until he seriously had to consider adjusting himself. Then she blinked and took a step back.
“I’ve got to get back. We’re going to start again.”
With a little wave, she headed back for the team and Ian had to stick his hands in the pockets of his cargo shorts to make sure his hardening cock didn’t embarrass him. Or her.
Because now more of the women were staring at them. A few of the women had closed ranks around her when she’d returned, and now there were a lot more smiles and a few raised eyebrows.
He couldn’t imagine that she was telling those women she’d slept with both of them because he was pretty sure at least a few of them would raise their perfect eyebrows in dumbfounded astonishment.
As it was, Dorrie looked a little flustered by all the attention but she didn’t run screaming with her hands over her ears so he figured she had it handled.
Not long after that, the teams headed back for the second half of the game and Ben leaned close enough that Ian could hear him when he said, “Heading back to the car for a sec.”
Leaving Ian with a few uninterrupted minutes of watching Dorrie play.
This close, he could see the fierce determination on her face and the almost feral smile she made when she scored again after being taken out by a questionable sliding tackle.
He was still shaking his head when Ben returned.
“He’s definitely got his eye on this game,” Ben said, “so I’m gonna say, yeah, we need to keep an eye on him.”
“Did he look familiar to you, too?”
“Yeah, a little. But I can’t place him. We need Dorrie to take a look.”
Even though he knew that’s exactly what they needed to do, Ian didn’t like that option. And since Dorrie wasn’t around, he told Ben that.
Which made Ben shake his head. “You can’t treat her like a client. You can’t order her to do something and expect her not to be pissed off at you.”
“I’m not ordering her to do anything.” Although he might want to. “I’m just trying to keep her safe.”
“Yeah, well, your perception of safe might not align with hers. Ooh, that’s gotta hurt.”
Out on the field, Dorrie went down in a tangle of legs and arms with another woman and Ian was pretty sure he saw blood running down her leg. But Dorrie didn’t even stop to check, just got up and headed down the field in pursuit of the ball.
“Damn.” Ben shook his head. “I think she might be tougher than both of us.”
Ian had to agree. She definitely had blood on her leg and she probably had a bruise on her side from the elbow of the woman next to her as they battled for the ball.
They watched the rest of the game in silence, Ian keeping a surreptitious eye on the guy in the car. He remained inside but he didn’t leave, which agitated Ian more than if the guy would’ve gotten out and approached her.