Damn it, she wanted to talk to her sister, wanted to hear Risa’s voice tell her she was being stupid and to suck it up.
But she couldn’t call Risa now because Risa would hear the unsteadiness in her voice and come running. And then Risa would find out about Blank and Risa would totally freak out and Blank would get pissed off and—
Ugh.She couldn’t deal with it. Not tonight.
For fifteen minutes, she stood under the shower, hands pressed against the wall as the water poured over her body.
She’d hoped the heat would loosen her muscles and make her sleepy, but she was still wide awake and jittery when she stepped out. A quick glance at her phone showed it was close to midnight.
She’d kill for a drink right now. Something highly alcoholic and guaranteed to make her brain fuzzy. And she didn’t want to drink alone, damn it. Blank would have her head if he found out she’d gone to a bar by herself, but she didn’t want a babysitter while she drowned her sorrows.
But Blank won’t find out. Not if you’re smart. Not if you go somewhere no one knows you.
No one would have to know. And it wasn’t like she wasn’t a grown-ass woman who could go to a damn bar by herself whenever she wanted.
Too bad Ben had left. Maybe he would’ve joined her for a drink. Which was a stupid thing to even be thinking about.
Shaking her head, she rubbed a towel over her hair, hoping to rub out thoughts of that damn man. Both men. She didn’t need any damn men in her life right now.
Then why are you so damn lonely all the time?
She took her time dressing in the worn jeans and faded Washington Capitals shirt she kept at the office, realizing too late that she’d forgotten to replace the extra bra she kept here.
Didn’t matter. Wasn’t like anyone was going to see her anyway.
Unless she did stop for that drink. The bar on the other end of the street from her apartment building was open until two a.m. It never seemed all that busy. Maybe she could have a quiet drink there without having to deal with a bunch of drunk businessmen or college kids.
Then again, maybe she should just go home and drink alone.
Might as well add pathetic to your list of accomplishments.
Huffing out a sigh, she grabbed her purse off her desk and headed for the front door.
And stopped short in the waiting room.
Ben sat on the long couch against the wall.
As she blinked, his head popped up and he tossed the magazine he’d been reading on the coffee table. Then he stood and she found her eyes tracking his every movement.
“Hey. How’s Blank?”
Ben looked alert and none the worse for wear, although his reddish-brown hair looked like he’d been running his fingers through it.
His copper-colored eyes assessed her from head to toe in seconds flat then latched on to hers, making her blink at his steady regard. She found she couldn’t look away.
“What are you still doing here?”
His mouth quirked into a grin and his brows, a shade darker than the hair on his head, rose. And, wow, was the guy handsome. His masculine features were a little more boyish than Ian’s, but Ian’s and Ben’s mouths held the same appeal for her. Full. Kissable.
Was he a good kisser? Would she ever get to find out?
Dangerous thoughts in her needy, horny, jittery state.
“Thought I’d see if you needed a ride home.” Then he shrugged. “Actually, I just wanted to make sure you’re okay.”
A rush of heat swept through her and she wanted to say thank you. Wanted to smile and let him wrap her in his arms and take care of her.
The rational part of her brain said she should send him on his way before she offered herself up on a platter.
“Why?” She finally got her mouth to work. “You don’t know me.”
As his smile grew so did her confusion.
“Because I’m a decent guy. You just need to give me a chance to prove it.”