Page 87 of An Indecent Longing

After a few more minutes, he couldn’t deny her.

His hands tightened their grip, but she’d begun to move until their bodies crashed together. He didn’t want to hurt her, but she seemed to want him to thrust harder and he didn’t want to deny her anything.

When she finally came, she did so with a cry, wrapping her arms around his neck and smashing their lips together as she rode out her orgasm.

He tried to hold on, hold out, but her tight contractions around his cock sucked him in and triggered his orgasm.

His back bowed and he erupted, holding himself deep inside her, his head in the curve of her neck and his mouth on her collarbone.

And his heart in his throat.

* * * * *

Ben hadn’t been able to sleep so, of course, he heard Dorrie get out of bed and walk down the stairs.

He wondered if she’d stop at Ian’s door. If she’d open it looking for his cousin. Wondered what he’d do if she saw Ben instead…and kept going.

Turns out, he’d continue to lie in bed and listen to her head down the stairs.

Then he’d lie here and try not to listen for any sound coming from downstairs.

That didn’t work out so well because the silence was almost as bad as the eventual sounds of Dorrie’s cries and Ian’s groans.

He felt like a perv for listening and getting turned on but that felt kind of hypocritical considering what they’d done earlier. Instead, he tried not to feel left out.

Yeah, that didn’t work so well, either.

Christ, he couldn’t even leave the house without them seeing him. Or him seeing them. So he lay there and listened until they finally went silent. By that time, he had a hard-on so painful, he thought he might have to go jerk off in Ian’s bathroom.

And that would definitely be pushing his comfort zone.

So he lay there trying not to feel like the odd man out.

Brought it on yourself.

He’d known Dorrie had feelings for Ian. Had known she’d probably gone out with him only to get closer to Ian and yet he’d taken her out anyway.


With a sigh, he got out of bed and headed for his own room. Ian would hear him moving around and figure out where he’d gone when he brought Dorrie back to bed. If he brought Dorrie back to bed. Maybe he’d just keep her down there with him.

Either way, it didn’t matter. Ben needed to get the fuck out of Ian’s bed.

Shaking off the vague sense of anger that nagged at him, he stood and started walking, not stopping until he was in his own space.

Since he wasn’t going to be able to sleep right away, he headed for the shower. Let the cold water pound against his back while he took care of that inconvenient erection then headed back to his room.

Grabbing a beer from the mini-fridge built into the sidewall unit with the TV and his Xbox, he considered playing a little Metroid to chill then decided against it in favor of some internet sleuthing.

Cracking open his laptop and plugging in his earphones, he cranked Slipknot, brought up his search engine, and started to dig. He was no hacker but he’d picked up a few tricks from one of the guys in his unit who had been so at least he had a starting point.

And he had a name. Karel Antonoff.

The man Ian believed responsible for his dad’s death.


An hour later, he didn’t have a whole lot more than he’d started with, and if he didn’t stop soon, he’d have a bitch of a headache to go along with that nothing.