He turned and kissed her, the angle all wrong but he couldn’t not listen to his instinct practically screaming at him to do it.
And when she gave a little sigh and moaned into his mouth, he allowed himself to let go of all the things he couldn’t fix and deal with the things he could. Like his lust for her. It surged up, making him want to devour her in one quick gulp. He forced himself not to do it. But she made it difficult because she seemed to have the same instinct.
Her hands came up to frame his face, and she shifted until she’d set her knees on either side of his and straightened until she had to bend her neck to kiss him. Now in the dominant position, she let her mouth move against his with a burning hunger.
When he let his head fall back against the cushion, she followed him, pressing even more tightly against him, desperation in her kiss. His hands came up to flatten against her back, hold her steady because she seemed to be losing control.
And that was okay, too, because he was having control issues as well.
The constant hum in his head sounded like encouragement, urging him to take more, take everything she was offering. And from this position, it seemed like she was offering him everything.
Her mouth demanded his full participation; the heat of her body seeped into his hands and enticed him to play with her. Running his hands up her back, he threaded one through her hair, the strands like silk, then let the other stroke back down until he could slip it under her tank.
He groaned into her mouth, allowing her to slip her tongue between his lips and tease him with light flicks. His lungs stuttered and he sucked in air. Her skin soft under his hand, he spread his fingers around her ribs then wasted no time cupping a breast.
Molding her flesh in his palm, he felt her push herself even harder against his hand. Squeezing her nipple between his thumb and forefinger, he sucked in her moan and wrapped his other arm around her waist to pull her even closer.
She moved without hesitation, lowering her body until her mound pressed against his cock, hard and ready to go.
If he ripped the shorts off her body, he figured he’d find her naked beneath. Just the thought was enough to make him reach for the waistband and drag her shorts out of his way.
With their mouths still fused, he couldn’t see her but he felt her desire on his fingers when he drew them between her thighs.
She shuddered, pulling away from his mouth to stare down at him.
He thought she was going to say something. Instead, she reached between their bodies to stroke his erection through his jeans. His body responded with a surge of blood to his cock, which throbbed against his zipper.
“Put your hands on me.”
She swallowed hard and nodded. “Get my shorts off.”
Putting his hands on her hips, he lifted her and set her on her feet. She looked surprised for a second then got with the program, shimmying the shorts off her hips and letting them drop to the ground. Before he could say anything, she grabbed the hem of her tank and yanked it over her head then dropped it to the ground.
When she dropped to her knees in front of him, he immediately reached for her, sliding his fingers into her hair and gripping the strands tight enough to restrict her movement.
She met his gaze as her hands worked the button on his jeans and then released the zipper. While it released the pressure, it made him ache even worse. Because she looked so fucking hot kneeling on the floor in front of him naked.
He practically bit through his tongue so he wouldn’t say anything to destroy this tiny bubble of reality. Instead, he watched her spread his jeans open then tilt her head to the side. He knew what she wanted.
Leaning back, he lifted his ass off the couch then helped her shove his jeans and boxers down until his cock sprang free. He’d barely resettled when she leaned forward and took him in her mouth.
His head hit the back of the couch as the warm, wet suction of her mouth engulfed him and fiery lust flooded his entire body. Christ. He’d never been as turned on by another woman as he was by this one.
Wrapping her lips around the head, she ran her tongue across the slit. Then she took him deep, her tongue and her lips working together to entice his hips to pump. He didn’t want to force himself into her mouth but he could barely keep still. He released her hair before he tugged too hard and hurt her.
She looked so damn sexy but her eyes held shadows. He’d make damn sure those shadows got erased. He’d give her whatever she needed, do whatever—
Groaning as she pulled away, the pop of suction releasing as loud as an explosion in the silent room, he found his gaze locked to hers. She waited, watching him. She seemed almost unsure what to do next. Unsure of what he wanted.
Leaning forward, he grabbed her under her arms and lifted her back onto the couch, straddling his thighs. He felt her shiver, though he didn’t think she was cold. Hell, the look in her eyes nearly made him spontaneously combust.
Reaching behind him with one hand, he pulled the shirt over his head, the movement making his rigid shaft brush against her thighs. She sucked in a sharp breath, whether from that contact or from his hands when he cupped her breasts, he wasn’t sure.
He’d begun to lose all higher brain functions and was operating on sensation alone.
Her breasts filled his palms and he leaned down to suck one pretty pink nipple into his mouth, teasing the tip with his teeth before moving on to the other. Her hands gripped his shoulders, sharp fingernails digging into his skin and earning a groan from him. She immediately loosened her grip.
“No. Harder.”