Ben shook his head. “I honestly don’t have a clue but they were there for her. No doubt in my mind.”
“So it probably has something to do with Antonoff.”
Ben’s steady gaze made Ian want to punch him. “Don’t let your history cloud your judgment. You could be right and it’s related to Antonoff. Or it could be something totally not related and that’s dangerous because we could focus on the wrong angle and miss something important.”
Ian bit back the urge to say he knew that but Ben wasn’t wrong. Ian’s blind spot when it came to Antonoff was a huge fucking black hole. It’s why he’d broken all ties with her after he’d found out who she worked for. Her connection to the man responsible for his father’s death had made him want to punch a wall.
So what’s changed?
Ian looked at Ben and knew exactly what had changed.
“I won’t.”
After a second, Ben nodded. “Okay. I’m gonna scope out the street. Make sure those jackasses aren’t waiting for us. We’ll figure the rest of the shit out when we get home.”
Ben waited for Ian to nod before he left, leaving Ian alone to wait for Dorrie.
Hoping like hell she came under her own steam.
And if she didn’t… Well, she’d go over his shoulder.
* * * * *
“I can’t believe I let them talk me into this.”
Dorrie threw a pair of jeans and a t-shirt in an overnight bag, along with another bra and panties. Her soccer bag had already been packed and ready to go.
Her sister would’ve laughed and shook her head at her, remarking on how she was over prepared. In this case, it worked against her because it meant she was finished packing that much sooner and ready to leave.
But she had to admit she was rattled. When she looked down at her hands, they still shook.
Damn it, had those men been after her specifically or had it been a random kidnapping?
She sighed. “You’re not that stupid. Of course, it wasn’t random.”
She needed to warn Risa. If someone had targeted Dorrie because of their father, maybe they’d go after Risa next. But she’d left her phone in the other room.
With Ian and Ben.
She hadn’t given herself a lot of time to think about what had happened earlier. About the time she’d spent in bed with Ian and Ben.
Frankly, she didn’t want to think about it because if she did, she’d start to hyperventilate. So far, she’d managed to keep herself under control by not dwelling on the fact that she’d had sex with two men at the same time.
Every now and then she shivered with remembered pleasure, but she quickly squelched the feeling and tried to think about something else. Anything else.
Since she couldn’t think rationally about them, she tried not to think about them at all.
Eventually, she knew she’d have to think about them, have to consider the ramifications of what she’d done. But for right now… Hell, right now, she simply wanted to enjoy the fact that she’d done it.
And now she was on her way back to their place. Which might bring on another panic attack.
Why had someone tried to snatch her? It made no damn sense at all.
Unless someone had found out about her relationship with the Russian mob boss of Philadelphia.
And what happens if Ian and Ben find out you’re not just working for that man, you’re his daughter?
She tried not to let that fuck with her head too much, but the truth was, it already did.