Page 71 of An Indecent Longing

“That’s up to Ian and you. I can tell you exactly where I want to be. Right now, that’s with you. If I’d had my way, you’d still be in bed between us and we’d be having a lot more fun. But that’s not what you wanted so I’m taking you back to where you feel safe. Next time, maybe you’ll feel safe enough to stay.”

She was quiet for at least a minute. “And if I’m not?”

Yeah, he was worried about that, too. “Then we’ll take it slower until you are.”

“What if that’s not what Ian wants?’

Her voice had dropped to a whisper but he didn’t pretend not to hear her.

“Then that’s his loss. But I’m not giving up on you without a fight, Dorrie. So be prepared.”

“Prepared for what?”

And there was that curiosity.

“For my full-on assault against your defenses.”

When he slid her a quick glance, he saw her lips quirked in a small smile. Good. He was making headway.

“What exactly did you do in the Army?”

He didn’t answer right away as he spotted a parking spot close to her building and maneuvered into it with one of the skills Uncle Sam had taught him. He’d spent more than his share of time in tiny Middle Eastern towns where the streets were only wide enough for one car at a time and pedestrians were a constant hazard.

When he turned off the car and turned to face her, he found her watching him.

“Go out with me again and I’ll tell you.”

He saw her blink, saw the quick smile that curved her lips then the quick worry that wiped away the smile.

He wanted to jump in, wanted to reassure her every worry. Instead, he shut his mouth and let her work through it.

“What about Ian?”

He didn’t bullshit her and tell her that Ian had nothing to do with this, that whatever “this” was, it was between them.

But he wasn’t stupid enough to say it because it wasn’t true. He’d have to deal with the fallout from tonight because he was the one who’d brought it on to begin with. But he wasn’t going to sidestep her questions or talk around what had happened. You didn’t do yourself any favors if you didn’t face things head on.

“I want you. I think I made that pretty clear tonight. I can’t speak for Ian. You have to talk to him. But right now, I’m telling you. I want to see you again. I want to take you out again. I want to get to know you better. And if you’re willing, I absolutely want to get you in bed again. Whether that’s with Ian or not, either way is fine with me. It’s up to you, Dorrie.”

As she stared at him with wide eyes, he leaned over and kissed her. And smiled when she kissed him back before he drew away and got out of the car.

She let him help her out, let him hold her hand as he walked her to the door. Then she stopped, just before she grabbed the handle to open it.

“I do want to see you again.” Her cheeks flushed but she held his gaze. “And I did have a good time tonight.”

His smile grew with each of her declarations until he grinned at her and she shook her head with a shy smile.

“Then what are you doing tomorrow night?”

“Nothing that I know of.”

“There’s a showing at a gallery in Old City. We could check it out in the afternoon then get some dinner.”

“You want to see me again tomorrow?”

“Technically, it’ll be later today and, yeah, I do. If you let me, I’ll wait for you while you check on Blank and then I’ll take you home. And if you ask really nice, I’ll let you ask me up to your place.”

Her lips softened until, finally, she grinned. “Do women throw their underwear at you when you smile at them like that?”