“Ian. Are you okay?”
Ben’s voice in his ear snapped Ian back to the moment. “Yeah. You?”
“Fine. Out the back?”
“Yeah.” No. “Wait. Fuck.”
There she was. In the middle of the room, her hands covered in blood as she waved frantically at someone. His heart leaped into his throat and he could barely breathe.
If she’s hurt…
“Ben. Brunette in the green dress. Don’t leave her.”
“What? What the fuck—”
“Stay with her and don’t leave her fucking side.”
Ian caught sight of Ben, shock plain on his face, just before he shoved their client into the hallway toward the back entrance that led into the alley.
“Get her the hell out of here, Ben.”
Right before he got their client into the hallway, he caught a glimpse of Ben running toward Dorrie.
She’ll be fine.
He kept telling himself that as he pushed the client down the hall with the rest of the frightened masses. Forced himself to bite back the question because if she was injured, he’d dump the client in the alley and go back, paycheck and new job be damned.
Jesus, please let her be okay.
Ben Shaw heard his cousin’s sharp orders through his earpiece and immediately searched for the woman Ian had indicated.
He found her kneeling on the floor across the room. “On her. But what—”
“No buts.” Ian sounded cold, controlled. “Do it.”
Ben trusted his cousin with his life but they’d been hired to do a job. Right now, Ian was hustling that job out the door and into a waiting car. A car Ben should be driving.
“Ian, what the hell’s going on?”
“Can’t explain now. I’ve got the client. I’ll take him back to the hotel. Don’t need you for that. Make sure she’s okay. Nothing happens to her.”
Since Ian was more than capable of shepherding their client back to his hotel, Ben started to make his way across the room. “Who is she?”
“Her name’s Dorrie. Tell her I sent you. No, wait. Just let me talk to her muscle. Don’t let her out of your sight until she’s safe at home.”
Now Ben was more than intrigued. “You’re the boss.” Which he wasn’t. He and Ian were equal partners, but Ben couldn’t resist the occasional jab.
He reached the woman’s side in seconds and, as he dropped to his knees at her side, his gaze narrowed at the blood covering her hands and arms.
“Fuck. Are you hit?”
She spared him a quick glance but immediately dismissed him. “Blank, I need my bag from the car.”
The big guy beside her shook his head. “No fucking way.”
“Now. Blank, she’s going to die. I need my bag.”
The big guy’s jaw locked and he sized up Ben, clearly trying to decide if he could trust him.