Page 67 of An Indecent Longing

“Jesus, Dorrie. You’re fucking beautiful. And I can’t fucking wait.”

She barely heard Ian’s voice over her own heavy breathing, but she felt him shifting, felt the brush of his thighs against hers as Ben’s mouth covered hers again. This time, Ben held nothing back.

And she felt herself drowning in emotion.

MShe realized Ben had released her hands and she sank them into his hair, vaguely hearing the crinkle of foil as Ben’s tongue lashed at hers.

Then she was moaning into Ben’s mouth as Ian’s fingers slid inside her sex, already slick with desire. Ian didn’t rush. He invaded her with a slow, steady push that filled her but not enough.

She needed more, needed something she’d never even thought to consider.

Tugging at Ben’s hair until he pulled back, she looked into his eyes. “Take your pants off now.”

Oh my god, was this really her? Had she just asked this man, a man she’d met yesterday, to take his pants off so she could give him a blowjob?

Holy hell, she had.

And the smile on Ben’s face made her light up inside as Ian made her gasp by slowly twisting his fingers. Her hips swiveled, trying to get Ian to give her more.

As Ben pulled away, her gaze locked with Ian’s as he slowly withdrew his fingers and wrapped his hand around his cock. Her gaze followed his down and she watched him stroke his erection, thick, wide, and already sheathed in a condom.

“Watch me sink inside you and then you can give Ben your mouth. But I want you to watch every single second until I tell you to stop.”

She nodded, her mouth dry and her brain unable to put two words together.

Putting his hands on her hips, he pulled her closer, while Ben released his zipper. Her attention torn, she blinked but Ian’s intense gaze kept hers from straying. When her ass met his knees, she arched just enough to slide onto his thighs. Pointing his cock down, he brushed the tip against her labia and sent a shock of electricity through her.

“Dorrie. Open your eyes.”

She hadn’t realized she’d closed them. She snapped them open in time to see him push inside.

Her breath caught in her throat as he spread her wide, filling her to the point that she wanted to squirm, needed to move. He held her steady as he pulled her onto his cock until the wiry hair at the base teased her labia.

Then he stopped. His chest rose and fell in a steadily increasing rhythm but he held here there until—


Ben’s voice dragged her gaze away from Ian, her body quivering in anticipation, which only increased when she saw Ben peering down at her. And his cock standing firm against his stomach as he bent closer to her.

Without a word, she reached for Ben’s erection, wrapped her hand around it, and tugged him closer. He obeyed in a flash, coming close enough that her head could rest against his thigh and her mouth was within reach.

All inhibitions gone for now, she lifted her head and closed the space between them, opening her mouth around his cock and sucking him inside.

Eyes closed now, Dorrie felt every sensation intensify. The heat of Ben’s cock against her tongue. The thickness of Ian’s shaft inside her sex. For several long seconds, she let herself simply soak in the moment.

Until she heard Ben groan and his hand tightened in her hair. She thought for a moment he was going to take charge, but in the next second, his hand loosened though he didn’t release her.

“You’re in charge, sweetheart. I’m all yours.”

Ben’s words were barely audible but she took them to heart. And sucked him even deeper.

“Fuck.” Ian’s obscenity was a growl. Then he started to move.

His first full thrust nearly made her choke but Ben anticipated and pulled back just enough. Then Ian retreated and she urged Ben deeper.

Quicker than she could believe, they found a rhythm that worked.

And Dorrie sank deeper into a sensuality she had no context for. With her inhibitions gone, she played her tongue and teeth along Ben’s cock, learning what made him pant and what made him groan, while Ian did the same to her.

Ian’s thumb found her clit and he worked it with a ruthless determination to wring every last ounce of pleasure out of her. As Ian worked her body into a sexual frenzy, Ben began to move, fucking her mouth with slow, deliberate thrusts.

And as she lost even more of her grip on reality, she gave herself over to them. Let them take her and give her so much incredible joy that she wasn’t sure she hadn’t passed out.

And when Ian picked up his pace, she clenched around him and felt his cock twitch and begin to throb inside her.

But her second orgasm didn’t hit her until Ben pulled away from her mouth and she felt his release hit her breasts.

Then she took a deep breath and sank into the comforter in a fuzzy haze of pleasure.