Page 64 of An Indecent Longing

“I want you to take the rest of your clothes off.”

Ian’s mouth quirked into a smile that calmed some of her nerves while managing to make her heart beat even faster.

“Do you wanna play doctor, Dr. Dorrie?”

The tease buried deep in Ian’s gruff tone startled a smile out of her. It was so much at odds with the man she thought she knew. The man she didn’t really know at all.

Her lips parted but she couldn’t think of anything to say. She could barely think straight much less come up with some flirty comeback.

Ben’s soft laugh made her blink.

“Damn, Ian. And you wanna know where I come up with shit? You need to brush up on your seduction skills.”

Ben’s laughter made her want to stretch like a cat while her thighs clenched against the ache building between them.

Ian continued to hold her gaze. “I don’t think I’m doing bad so far, am I, Dorrie?”

Swallowing, she got her tongue unstuck from the roof of her mouth. “No. But you don’t seem to be moving very fast either.”

Ian’s slow smile made her hands curl into the soft quilt. “Maybe I plan to take my time.”

“And if I don’t want you to?”

“Then…” He paused and shot a quick glance at Ben. “We’ll have to change your mind.”

She opened her mouth to say something else but Ian leaned forward and kissed her. And this time, he didn’t let her up for air any time soon.

Since he’d already gotten rid of her dress, she braced herself for him to strip off her bra and panties. But Ian seemed perfectly content for her to keep those scraps of fabric. Not that they covered much anyway.

But she’d never been much of an exhibitionist and—

Ian tilted his head to the side and deepened the kiss as he stretched out beside her and put one hand on her waist before sliding his palm up her bare midriff to her breasts.

When he squeezed one nipple between his thumb and forefinger, she moaned, her hips arching off the bed, needing more than Ian’s teasing touch.

Her desire churned inside her, needing an outlet.

She turned on her side, reaching for his shoulders, wanting to wrap her arms around him. But before she could, Ian rose up onto his knees, straddling her thighs, and grabbed her hands.

As she sucked in much needed air, he drew her hands over her head.

“Ben, make yourself useful.”

“Thought you’d never ask.”

The second Ben touched her, wrapping one hand around her wrists and the other cupping her chin, every nerve ending in her body fired off a warning to her brain. That confused alarm only shut off when Ben angled her face to the side and kissed her.

He tasted different than Ian, made her moan and writhe and try to loosen his grip on her. She couldn’t tell if she was trying to get away or pull him closer.

Ben wouldn’t allow either. He held her tight but not hard. She knew if she wanted to, she could get away.

She didn’t want to.

But when Ian grabbed her hips, she couldn’t help but try to wriggle free. It wasn’t in her nature to lie back and let something happen to her, even though she knew these men weren’t going to hurt her.

Ben seemed intent on drugging her with his kisses, making her fall into a haze of sexual desire.

Ian… She had no idea what Ian was doing because she couldn’t see him. She could only feel his hands on her hips as he held her down.