Page 62 of An Indecent Longing

At her.Awkward, quiet, boring Dorothea Haverstick.

Her boring life would continue tomorrow.

Now, Ian lowered his head and kissed her again. And damn, did the man know how to kiss.

Hard and hot, his mouth moved over hers with rough demand. He didn’t treat her like glass and he had experience. Maybe a lot of it. Or maybe he was just that good.

He kissed her and she swore her IQ dropped by multiple points. Or maybe he fried her brain cells and she’d never recover from the loss.

At this moment, she didn’t care, so long as he continued to kiss her.

But it wasn’t only his mouth that demanded. His hands began to move. He’d already made her panties wet and he’d only touched her breasts. She shook with the thought of what would happen when he actually put his hand on her mound and stroked her clit.

Which she totally couldn’t wait for him to do.

But at the moment, he seemed content to stroke her breasts and kiss the hell out of her.

Okay, maybe he needed a little shove in the right direction. He still had her one hand pinned beside her head, but the other was loose. And his upper body was naked since she’d tugged off his shirt.

As his tongue slid into her mouth, she played her hand down his back, the sensation of his warm skin against hers a potent aphrodisiac.

Would she spontaneously combust when they were both naked?

And then there was Ben…

She swore she could feel Ben’s gaze on her skin, a laser-sharp sensation that made her shift restlessly against Ian. Every time she did, she brushed against his rock-hard erection and her sex clenched with need.

She wanted Ian to rush but she didn’t want him to stop. And she longed for more. She wanted to feel Ben’s hands on her, too. At the same time. Was Ian only willing to go so far?

When Ian’s mouth released hers abruptly, she moaned, one hand sinking into his hair to hold him there. But even though she tried to tug him back up, he began to press hot kisses along her neck and continued down to her breasts.

Her body arched as he sucked one nipple into his mouth and bit down. Her gasp echoed through the room, and everything went dark as her eyes closed. Which only served to make every sensation that much more intense.

The huge ball of need inside her body continued to expand until it seemed to push at her skin. She needed Ian to stop teasing and start satisfying. But he seemed more than content to lick and suck at her breasts, his hands on her hips holding her tight.

Did he think she was going to try to get away?

She wanted to be nowhere else at the moment. The man she’d been lusting after for months was making love to her. While the man she’d just met watched.

Her eyes flew open as Ian’s mouth shifted away from her breasts to the sensitive skin just underneath, where he bit her with stinging nips then soothed the ache with his tongue.

But while her body was completely immersed in pleasure, her mind wouldn’t stop working.

Was she simply supposed to lie here and react? Or was she allowed to give as good as she got?

Turning her head, she locked her gaze with Ben’s. His lips curved in a bare smile but the gleam in his heavily lidded eyes promised retribution.

For what? Making him wait his turn?

Just as Ian sucked on her hip, biting at the thin flesh covering it and making her panties even wetter, Ben leaned forward.

“Do you need something?”

Ben’s question held an edge, and it sliced through her already fast-fading inhibitions. She’d agreed to this unconventional arrangement. Might as well take everything she could get from it.

But she didn’t exactly know what to ask for. And while Ian continued to press kisses along her stomach, she couldn’t seem to form words.

“Come on, Dorrie. Tell me what you want.”