Page 37 of An Indecent Longing

“We’re acquainted. That’s all.”

Adam’s lips curved in a faint, shit-eating grin, but he didn’t pursue that line of questioning. “Heard Blank got shot. He okay?”

Now that was interesting. Ian was pretty sure no one in the hotel had known Blank had been hit.

“He’ll be fine. And probably pissed off that his injury is common knowledge.”

Adam shook his head. “Not common knowledge. So how do you know Blank’s okay? You hear that from Dorrie?”

Yeah, he had. Very early this morning with his body wrapped around hers. Fuck.

“Got it from a good authority.”

Adam’s grin widened. “I bet you did. So what are you doing here so early on Saturday morning?”

Giving a silent sigh of relief, he motioned at the monitor. “Filling out Mary Alice’s incident report before I go pick up the asshole client.”

The firm’s young office manager ruled this place with an iron grip, and Tristan and Adam let her. It helped that she was damn good at her job. What Ian didn’t understand was her relationship with two former mob guys.

Then again, Jesse Kanatawa and Max Burdanov had dragged themselves out of that life and built a new one. Ian could appreciate that.

What he would never understand was why Dorrie chose to work for Antonoff.

“Yeah, you don’t wanna get on Mally’s bad side.” Adam chuckled. “She’ll drag you over the coals. Don’t let her smile fool you into thinking she’s a pushover.”

“So, no repercussions from the client for last night?”

Adam shrugged, not looking overly worried. “He bitched but, like I said, I would’ve done the same. You made the right call.”

Nodding, Ian felt his tight muscles loosen a little. He hadn’t realized he’d been worried about Adam and Tristan’s response until he’d realized he wasn’t working alone anymore. He had partners now.

When he and Ben had joined Adam and Tristan’s firm, they’d come in as full partners. Ian wouldn’t have accepted anything less. The cash infusion Ben and Ian had brought with them had allowed Adam and Tristan to expand, and it’d been a win/win for everyone. But it would be Adam and Tristan’s reputation that Ben and Ian would damage if they fucked up.

“So what are you doing here this morning?” Ian felt compelled to ask since Adam didn’t seem to be moving.

“Paperwork.” Adam shook his head, running a hand through his short, dark hair. “Seems never-ending. I almost hate to say this but there are times I wish I could go back to being a grunt so I wouldn’t have to worry about it.”

A smile surprised Ian. He hadn’t thought he’d be capable of one this morning. “Pretty sure you hated taking orders as much as I did. Better working for yourself.”

Now Adam pushed away from the frame, rapping his knuckles on the wood as he grinned. “But not by yourself. I probably haven’t said this yet but I’m glad you took the offer to join us. It’s tough being out on your own. Better get to work. Promised Kat I wouldn’t be here all day.”

Ian nodded as Adam disappeared, headed for his office down the hall.

But Adam’s last words about Kat had triggered thoughts Ian had been trying to ignore.

Namely, Adam and Tristan’s relationship with Kat. He wondered what Adam would say if Ian asked about their relationship. How they made it work.

And why the fuck do you care?

Pushing the thought out of his mind, he forced himself to finish the paperwork associated with last night’s client.

After a painful half hour, he finally closed the file and sent it off to Mary Alice. And found himself turning his chair to stare out the window. He couldn’t see much of the city, but he wasn’t really looking.

All he could think about was last night. The fear when he’d realized Dorrie could’ve been hurt had nearly paralyzed him. Luckily, that hadn’t happened because he would’ve left the idiot client to look after his own ass.

And that was unacceptable. He’d never not finished a job. And the reputation he was trying to build rested on his shoulders.

The reputation he’d already built was known only in certain circles. In those circles, he was known as a hard-ass who always hit his target.