She rolled over to face him, her hands smacking against his chest. Flattening her palms against the strong muscles she felt beneath his shirt, she stroked upward until she reached his jaw. The stubble felt like rough silk against her palms. He didn’t typically have stubble, was almost always clean-shaven.
She liked it. She imagined the five o’clock shadow would make him look a little more dangerous. More like the man he really was. Not the one he pretended to be.
His hands moved to her hips, fingers digging into her hips. Not enough to hurt, just enough to keep her still.
“You don’t want to do this.”
Now he sounded dangerous and she liked that even better.
“I’ve wanted to do this since the moment I saw you.”
Leaning forward, the dream giving her carte blanche to do what she couldn’t in real life, she put her lips against his and kissed him. And because this was a dream, their mouths aligned perfectly, as if they’d planned it, practiced it. Did it every day, several times a day.
She moaned as she tasted him for the first time, his lips firm against her. Tilting her head to get an even better angle, she opened her mouth and let her tongue swipe across his lips.
Groaning, he tightened his arms around her and his hips thrust against hers to rub his hard cock against her mound. Grinding against her, he made her sex clench and her labia slick. Every muscle in her body tensed with incredible need, months of pent-up desire acting like gasoline to flame.
For a few wonderful seconds, his lips parted and he allowed her tongue to sweep into his mouth, to tangle with his tongue. She felt the incredible restraint he was using to keep himself in line and kissed him harder to make him slip that leash.
She wanted him to be just as wild for her as she was for him. After all, this was her fantasy.
Sliding her fingers through his hair, she rasped her fingernails against his scalp then tugged on the strands he kept short but still long enough to show a curl.
Barely able to breathe, she had to pull away to suck in air but he only let her go for a few seconds before he covered her mouth with his again and devoured her.
His hunger evident now, she let him take over. Let his lips force hers wider so his tongue could ravage her mouth and steal her breath.
She gave herself over to him, every muscle in her body under his command.
But just as soon as she’d done that, he pulled away.
“Fuck. Dorrie. Stop.”
She still couldn’t see him and she mentally tried to flip a switch so she could shed some light on this dream. But her subconscious wasn’t cooperating so she clasped her hands to his cheeks to try to force him back to kissing her.
“It’s my dream. I don’t want to stop. I want you to kiss me. To want me.”
But the damn man wouldn’t cooperate. He put his hands on her shoulders and kept her just out of reach of his mouth.
“No, you really don’t.”
Ian wanted to swear, but he didn’t want Dorrie to think he was swearing at her.
And he really didn’t want to stop. Didn’t want to stop kissing her or touching her.
He wanted to take her, put his mouth on hers and kiss her until he couldn’t breathe then let his mouth slide down her throat to her collarbone. He’d never seen a sexier collarbone in his life. Which was probably the stupidest thing he’d ever thought in his life.
But from her collarbone, he could go farther south and—
“Ian, please don’t leave me again.”
He knew she still thought she was asleep, knew she thought she was safe here with him. But she wasn’t. Because he was about to be the absolute prick she thought he was.
If he didn’t get out of here in the next few seconds, he was going to roll her onto her back, strip her naked, and give her what she was begging him to take.
So do it. She won’t remember.
The little voice in his head that kept urging him to continue was winning. And how was he going to continue to resist the temptation of Dorrie in his bed?