Page 16 of An Indecent Longing

There went her eyebrows again. “And how is that any business of yours?”

Feisty and sharp-tongued. Ben was beginning to think his cousin might not deserve this woman, especially if he’d done something to hurt her.

“Well, you are sitting in my living room after midnight with a drink your hand. Maybe I’m worried someone will take offense to that.”

Her eyes rolled. “The only person you have to worry about taking offense is me.”

“Then I guess I better not piss you off.”

“Keep my glass filled and you won’t.”

She’d drained her drink again. At this rate, she’d be passed out in fifteen minutes.

The woman needed a keeper if she was always this reckless with her safety. She didn’t know him from Adam and yet she’d come home with him and was now drinking with him, clearly with the intent of getting drunk.

Wasn’t she worried he might hurt her? Hell, once she passed out, he could do whatever the hell he wanted with her.

Jesus, what if he hadn’t been there to bring her home? What if she’d gone off to some bar and picked up some random guy—

Better stop right there. She hadn’t gone home with another guy. He had a pretty good idea the only reason she’d come home with him was because Ian had vouched for him.

Which meant she must trust Ian’s judgment completely. So what the hell had happened between her and Ian? And why had Ben never heard even a whisper of it?

Picking up the bottle, he filled her glass again, though not as high as he had the last time. She didn’t seem to notice.

“I haven’t eaten all night.” He stood and headed for the kitchen. “You hungry? My cousin loves anything salty and I’m a chocoholic so whatever you like, we’ve probably got.”

He didn’t wait for her to follow him, but he heard her moving and then her quiet footsteps sounded. She must’ve taken off her shoes, like she was settling in. The thought made his blood burn.

Damn it to fucking hell.This wasn’t how this scenario was supposed to play out.

Yeah, he was attracted to her but that wasn’t unexpected. He and Ian had a lot of the same tastes, and not only in women. It’s why they got along so well.

It’s why Ben had finally convinced Ian to leave the service before he got himself killed. Or worse…became someone Ben no longer recognized.

But Ben hadn’t brought Dorrie home to seduce her.

No, he’d brought her home so maybe Ian would see what he was missing in his life. Like companionship. A lover. Sex.

Then again, maybe he was reading this situation completely wrong. Maybe she’d followed him home because she wanted him.

A man can dream.

In the kitchen, he headed for the fridge. She stopped at the island, her gaze tracking his every move.

“Let’s see what we’ve got. Cheese, pepperoni, salami.” Protein would be good for her. Soak up some of the alcohol. “Do me a favor and check that cabinet behind you for crackers.”

She set her glass down with a subtle chink of glass on marble, and he turned with the meat and cheese in time to see her reach up to the top shelf for the crackers. Her shirt separated from her jeans to reveal creamy white skin, and his fingers twitched with the urge to touch.

Fuck, fuck, fuckety fuck.

He made sure he schooled his features into a bland smile before she turned back.

Her lopsided smile revved his heart as she shook a box at him. “Saltines were all I could find. You also said something about chocolate…”

I’ve got a bottle of Hershey syrup that I’d love to—

He turned back to the fridge and pulled out the bag of peanut butter cups he stashed near the back, where they weren’t completely frozen but just cold enough to be hard.