Page 140 of An Indecent Longing

Ben’s laughter followed her up the stairs and, when she looked back as she reached the top of the open staircase, she saw Ian shaking his head but headed toward the stairs.

Her heart began to pound out a heavy beat and her knees wanted to lock but she forced herself to keep going.

She could do this. She wanted to do this. Wanted them.

For now, they were hers.

At the top of the stairs, she headed for her room. It was only a queen but it would do for now. The room was big enough for a king but she hadn’t seen the need for a bed that big. Now she wished she’d thought ahead.

Then again, never in her wildest dreams had she imagined she’d need a bed big enough for three.

Hands encircled her waist from behind, sliding against her bare skin and stealing her breath.

“Easy, sweetheart.” Ben. “We have all night to play.”

Play. She liked that word. She wanted to play with these men for as long as they’d let her.

But the feelings Ben aroused weren’t playful. They were seriously sexy.

Every stroke of his fingers against the sensitive flesh above her mound made her stomach clench with increasing need. She wanted to reach behind her and pull him closer, feel the heat of his body against hers. But she couldn’t get what Risa had said out of her head. About being dominated by a man she trusted, having her control stripped away by someone she trusted.

She wanted to be taken. Wanted to feel taken care of.

And with Ben’s hands on her body, she felt the urge to surrender.

Her head dropped back as one of his hands skimmed up her body to cup one breast while the other slid down to cup her mound.

In the next second, Ben pulled her body back against his, the touch of his clothes a rough pleasure against her skin, especially her ass.

With a moan, she let her head fall back against his shoulder and pressed her ass against his groin, the hard ridge of his erection fitting perfectly between her cheeks. She loved knowing she did that to him, loved knowing she made him hard. She’d never had that sense of empowerment with another man before.

All other men had made her feel like she was the lucky one. These men made her feel as if she’d gifted them something special. When, really, she was the one who felt special. Adored.

Ben’s fingers played with her clit, teasing the tiny bundle of nerves until electricity zinged beneath her skin. Already, an orgasm teased at the outer edges of her consciousness, tightening the muscles of her stomach and making her knees wobbly.

Lifting one arm, she wrapped her hand around Ben’s neck and pulled him down. He came without hesitation, kissing her neck then sucking the skin between his teeth to nibble on it.

Wickedly coordinated, Ben tweaked her clit and rolled her nipple with his fingers, licking at her neck then biting her hard enough to sting.

Everything went black as her eyelids snapped down and sensation rolled through her. She was so close to orgasm, she thought she might come but as abruptly as he’d started, he stopped. He pulled his hand out from between her thighs, though he didn’t stop playing with her nipple. And that only heightened the sense of loss.

“Hold your hands out in front of you.”

At the sound of Ian’s voice, her eyes opened and connected to his. He stood in front of her, holding his tie in one hand as he pulled it through the other. His face was set in firm lines, his gaze blistering in its intensity.

She had to replay his words in her head before she could understand them. And when she did, she hesitated. But not because she didn’t want to let him tie her up. She wanted him to make her.

Jesus, where had this come from? Was it her sister’s influence? Or had she had these feelings before and just had never had the opportunity to act on them? Or the backbone?

More likely, it was these two men who gave her such wild thoughts.

Would Ian know what she wanted him to do? Or would he—

He reached for the hand at her side first, pulling it away from her body with his fingers encircling her wrist. Wrapping the tie around it several times, he didn’t wait for her to comply with her other hand. He simply reached for her arm, pulled it down, and wrapped her wrists together.

“Fuck, I think I’m really going to like this.” Ben molded his free hand around her other breast and squeezed.

“I already know I will.”