Ripping his shirt and undershirt out of his waistband, she moaned as his heat seeped through her palms and fired her own temperature even higher.
A second later, Ben had ripped his mouth away from hers and put both hands on her cheeks so he could stare into her eyes.
“Do you realize now how much I want you?”
She nodded, mesmerized by the rough tone of his voice and the intensity of his eyes. Ben had always been so easygoing, smiled at the drop of a hat.
Right now, she saw no amusement in those copper eyes. Just heat.
“You don’t have to doubt that. Ever.”
“Are you always going to be this agreeable?”
Ian laughed again, the dark husky sound making her swallow hard. “Probably not.”
Ben’s eyes narrowed but she saw humor there. “Then I guess we’ll just have to make sure you know what you’ll be in for when you’re bad.”
Feeling like she’d just stepped onto an out-of-control merry-go-round, Dorrie took a deep breath, trying to steady herself.
And realized she didn’t want to be steady. She liked feeling out of control. And she especially liked the way Ben’s hands felt against her skin.
Instead of speaking, she stood and reached for the top button of her pajama shirt at the center of her sternum and began to slip each disc through its hole.
Ben leaned back into the cushions with a smile and crossed his arms over his chest.
She’d gotten to the fourth button when she turned to Ian.
The intensity of the heat in her eyes made her fingers fumble but not from hesitation. No, she was shaking with lust.
“Don’t stop now.” Ian waved a lazy hand at her. “I’m enjoying the show.”
His words gave her a burst of confidence and she rolled her shoulders, letting her shirt drop down her arms to the ground. Since she’d been ready for bed, she was naked beneath her pajamas.
Ian’s gaze locked on to her breasts, and the muscle flexing in his jaw made her want to bite it then work her way down his body with her teeth.
Of course, she couldn’t use her teeth on one certain part of his anatomy. No, she’d wrap her mouth around his erection and use her tongue on it instead.
The heat between her legs began to spread until she was suffused with it all the way to her cheeks, which burned.
He looked up at that moment, into her eyes, and the heat burned impossibly hotter.
Her breath stuttered but before disappointment crushed her, he continued.
“Not here. Upstairs.”
She took a second to let the relief settle in and to take a breath before she stiffened her back. Ian wanted to control her, to control the situation. And he expected her and Ben to fall in line.
She’d been willing to let him get away with that last time. This time, he’d need to know she wasn’t just going to blindly allow him to have his way.
So instead of turning and doing what he’d asked, she held his gaze and put her hands in the waistband of her pajama shorts. The terry material had seen better days and she almost wished she wore lingerie to bed.
But she didn’t think Ian noticed what she was wearing.
With a whisper of fabric, the shorts slid to the floor and Ian’s gaze locked on to her naked body.