Page 12 of An Indecent Longing

Dorrie and Ian had history. And Ben found that fascinating because Ian didn’t do relationships. He had one-night stands.

And Dorrie didn’t seem like a one-night-stand kind of girl.

At the moment, she didn’t seem like an any-night-stand kind of girl because the look she was giving him could shrivel balls from across a crowded bar.

She wasn’t tired enough not to realize he wasn’t giving her the whole truth.

And then, amazingly, she dropped it.

“Yes.” She looked him straight in the eyes. “I’d like a drink and I’d prefer not to be alone when I have it.”

Holy shit. Well, okay then.

“I’ve got a town house on Christian. We can go there or—”

“That’s fine. Are you ready to leave?”

Another shock. “Yeah, sure. Absolutely.”

“Then let’s go.”

She headed for the door, and he got the impression she’d made up her mind to do something but she wasn’t looking forward it.

Then why the hell did she agree to come home with you?

He wanted to ask but knew he’d break whatever fragile truce they’d made between them.

The walk to his car was quiet, though not silent. He kept the conversation going by asking questions, all of which she answered. Some with only a single word, occasionally with a longer response. Once he got them on the street, though, she began to open up a little and ask her own questions.

“So, you’re a personal security guard?”

“Yeah.” He almost said “we” but bit it back just in time. “I work with Adam Oleksy’s firm.” Technically true. “They want to expand and I’ve got the skills they were looking for.”

“And what skills are those?”

“The ability to shoot straight, think fast, and not be afraid to put myself between the client and a bullet without hesitation.”

From the corner of his eye, he saw her glance his way. “That sounds foolhardy.”

“Not if you know what you’re doing. Then it’s a calculated risk. And some guys get off on the adrenaline rush.”

“Do you?”

He had a private laugh about that and answered truthfully. “Sometimes, yeah.”

“Like tonight?”

He looked to find her watching him closely now. Those arctic gray eyes had sharpened since they’d left the building. She still looked tired but much more focused.

She’d keep him on his toes. He liked the sound of that.

“Tonight was unexpected so the rush was a dump, not a steady build. Both have their charms. Make sense?”

After a second’s hesitation, she nodded. “I suppose so. If you like dodging bullets.”

“I take it you don’t.”

Her expression flattened. “I’ve seen the damage bullets do. I don’t want to be anywhere near them. Of course, I had no idea that would happen tonight. I’ve never been in the line of fire before. It’s…not at all exhilarating.”