That blush showed again but it was definitely heat and not embarrassment.
“I don’t think he’d let me.”
“Honey, you have no idea what he’ll let you do.”
They both heard the garage side door open and knew Ian was headed for the back door.
“I think I’ll just go change.”
And she was gone, panties clutched in her hand.
She disappeared up the stairs just as Ian opened the back door into the kitchen.
Ian nodded, tossing his keys on the same counter where Ben and Dorrie had just had sex.
“Anything I need to know?”
Ian shot him a look. “Why don’t I believe you?”
“Maybe because you’re a suspicious son of a bitch.”
“And I’m usually right. But I’m too hungry to fight with you. Where’s Dorrie?”
Ian grunted and headed for the front room and the stairs.
And Ben breathed a heavy sigh but felt no sense of relief.
* * * * *
Ian pushed open the bathroom door and stepped into his bedroom in a rush of steam. Ben kept the air conditioning at an almost-too-cold seventy-five.
But it wasn’t cool enough when he found Dorrie sitting on the far side of his bed.
He stopped dead between the bed and the bathroom. “What’s wrong?”
She shrugged. “Nothing. It’s just…we haven’t really talked all week.”
Damn, why did one word fill him with dread? Then again, “talk” was a four-letter word. “Is there something we need to talk about?”
She shrugged again, and damn if he didn’t let his gaze fall to her breasts, mostly hidden by the loose t-shirt she wore over a pair of soccer shorts.
“Maybe I’m just tired of being ignored.”
Damn it. This wasn’t a conversation he wanted to have in his bedroom, where images of her laid out naked on his bed crammed his brain and made his dick hard.
“I haven’t been ignoring you.”
Which was total bullshit. And she knew.
“Yes, you have.” She lifted her chin and met his gaze directly. “And I’m sick of walking on eggshells around you. Are you ever going to get past the fact that I work for Antonoff?”