She reached for him, her hands grabbing on to his hips and tying to tug him closer. But he was immoveable. He kept her just far enough away that only their lips touched but every part of her felt touched by fire.
For several long seconds, they stood locked in place as the heat between them began to build.
And then he took a step away and left her gasping.
“That’s the reason we haven’t touched you.” The rough tone of his voice only served to make the ache in her gut that much worse. “You wipe out everything around me. I put my hands on you and I can’t see anything but you. So don’t mistake our distance for anything other than our desire to keep you safe. Because, babe, if I had my way, you’d be bent over that counter and I’d be deep inside you. Understand?”
Her sex clenched and she sucked in a deep breath. And nodded. “Maybe that’s exactly what I want.”
Ben didn’t say anything for several long seconds, his gaze locked on hers. Each breath he took rasping in the silence.
“We’re safe here, aren’t we?” she said. “Then why can’t we indulge?”
She almost couldn’t believe the words coming out of her mouth. She’d never had the courage to say anything at all like this to anyone in her life. But with Ben, she felt safe. Felt free enough to be adventurous.
And being horny didn’t hurt.
God, she ached with need.
Gathering every ounce of her will, she let her hands fall to her thighs, where she gripped her skirt and began to inch it up.
Ben’s gaze dropped to her hands and his mouth flattened into a thin line as she slowly bared her thighs. Every centimeter of skin she bared gave her that much more courage. And it continued to build until she’d raised her skirt enough that she could slide her thumbs into the strings holding her underwear together.
Her heart beat fast and hard as she began to slide her underwear down her legs, letting her dress fall back into place as she did.
By the time she reached her knees, her underwear started to fall on their own and she let them go. They dropped to the floor and she bent over to pick them up.
She’d had the vague idea that she’d dangle them from her finger and smile. And he’d grin and take the panties and say something sexy and funny.
Instead, Ben slowly raised his gaze back to hers, stopping only momentarily to stare at the panties in her hands. Those copper eyes gazed at her so steadily, she was almost convinced he was going to send her upstairs to her room. To his room, actually.
Instead, he made a twirling motion with his finger.
She blinked, unsure for a moment what he wanted. And then her brain made the connection. Her lungs constricted as a pulse of heat spread from her core to her breasts, making them tender and achy, and to her clit, which throbbed.
Sucking a breath, she did what he wanted. She turned to face the counter.
“Now bend over and pull your dress up.”
Which would bare her ass.
Man up, honey. You started this.
Nerves had started to churn but she did what he asked. She bent at the waist until her breasts almost reached the island counter and reached for the hem of her dress to flip it up onto her back.
Behind her, she heard Ben moving, heard the rustle of fabric and the tearing of foil. She had a split second to wonder where he’d gotten the condom when she felt his hand on her left hip.
“Are you ready, sweetheart? Because I am.”
“Yes. Please. Do it.”
She didn’t want him to wait even a second more—
The brush of the tip of his cock against her labia was her only warning before he curled his other arm around her waist, tilted her hips to the right angle then thrust inside.
If she’d expected him to go easy, she would’ve been so wrong.
He went hard and fast immediately and never let up.