“Get the fuck out.”
His cousin’s stunned expression made Ian grin. “Not kidding. He must have had someone following her last night.”
Ben shook his head, as if trying to get his brain to function. “Damn. That means—”
“Yeah. He knows she nearly got snatched last night.”
“Then he also knows she spent the night here.”
Ian shrugged. “I don’t see why who she’s sleeping with makes any difference to him.”
Ben didn’t look convinced, though he seemed to shake it off. “No, I guess you’re right. It does mean he knew there was a threat, though.”
“I know. We’ll figure that out later. Now, we need to call Dorrie and figure out logistics. We’ll keep her here and—”
“Dude.” Ian heard the laughter in Ben’s voice. “She’s not a hostage.”
Ian had the almost overwhelming urge to punch his cousin, just barely managed to keep it in check. “That’s not what I’m saying. I meant that she’ll be safer here.”
“And if she doesn’t want to stay here?”
Ian shook his head. “Then you’ll just have to charm her into it.”
* * * * *
“It’s Ian.”
Dorrie stared at the number on her phone as it rang a second time, her finger hovering over the little green answer symbol. She and Risa had retreated to Risa’s bedroom soon after her dad had dropped the bombshell about Ian and Ben.
They’d had a few minutes to talk but their conversation had consisted mostly of Risa saying, “Oh my god, you had sex with both of them?”
“Aren’t you going to answer it?”
Dorrie looked into Risa’s eyes. “Of course. I just… This is going to change everything.”
“It doesn’t have to. You just need to assert yourself a little more. Don’t let them manage you.”
Her mouth twisted in a grimace. “You haven’t met them. Ben can charm birds out of trees and Ian could give a Dom pointers.”
Risa blinked. “Do you actually know what a Dom is?”
Dorrie rolled her eyes. “Of course I know what a Dom is. I mean, I’ve never actually met one but you gave me that romance series last year about dominance and submission.”
“I didn’t know you’d actually read them.” Risa began to smile. “What did you think of them?”
“You really want to discuss what I thought of a couple of books? Now?”
Risa shrugged. “Call me curious.”
“Nosy is more like it.”
“Humor me. What did you think of them?”
Her nose wrinkled. “I thought they were interesting but the lifestyle doesn’t appeal to me.”
“But you did find something about it appealing?”
Something in her sister’s voice made Dorrie take a closer look at Risa. “I found the story fascinating but I can’t see myself ever being put in those positions. I would never allow a man to put a collar on me and I can’t imagine enjoying being tied up.”