With a slight sigh, she wriggled against him, making his cock thicken even more.
Resting his chin on top of her head, Ian closed his eyes and resigned himself to a painful case of blue balls.
And since he knew he shouldn’t be here when she woke, he probably shouldn’t fall asleep.
It was going to be a long night.
* * * * *
Dorrie woke with a start, heart racing, fight-or-flight instinct in high gear.
The room was pitch black but she knew she wasn’t at home.
Why wasn’t she at home? What—
“Shh. You’re fine.”
A familiar voice in her ear and the night came back in a rush. Seeing Ian. Dinner with Risa. Shots fired. Helping the injured. Blank getting shot. Ben…
Were those his arms wrapped around her now?
Shit, she’d gone home with him, drank too much, and now…
Oh my god. What the hell did I do?
Panic made her heart race even faster and she could barely breathe.
She needed to leave. Now. Had to go before—
The arms around her tightened. And that was not Ben’s voice.
Her lungs froze.
That voice.
No, it couldn’t be him. Her brain was playing tricks on her. That had to be Ben. She combed through her memories. Had they had sex? She couldn’t remember—
“Dorrie, you’re going to pass out. You need to breathe.”
The command in his voice pissed her off but it also caused her to suck in air.
A rough sigh behind her, his breath ruffling her hair.
“Shh. Calm down. You’re safe.”
Safe? Had she been in danger? Was she in danger now? Why the hell was he in a bed with her?
Was she still dreaming?
Nothing seemed real at the moment. It was so dark, she couldn’t see anything and she still felt a little woozy. Drunk.