“Never happen, old man.” Ben pushed out of his chair, ball under his arm. “Let’s go before you lose your nerve.”
* * * * *
She hadn’t heard from either Ian or Ben and she knew the ball had been delivered.
Maybe they hadn’t been in the office to get it? Maybe she should’ve sent it to their home, but then they wouldn’t have gotten it until they’d gotten home and that might’ve been late.
Maybe she shouldn’t have sent them a dirty old soccer ball. Maybe they wouldn’t get it.
Oh hell, maybe she should just call.
Damn, she really hated being so bad at this relationship stuff but it was too late now. She’d just have to wait until they called to find out their reaction.
She’d just changed into her jammies when the intercom rang.
And her heart started to race.
“Mr. Shaw and Mr. Keller to see you.”
“Send them up. Thank you.”
Okay, they were here. She wanted to jump for joy but was afraid she’d puke. She wanted to text her sister and ask for last-minute advice.
And even though they’d shown up at her door, she couldn’t be sure they were here to accept her olive branch.
But she could hope.
The minutes it took between the time she’d gotten the call from downstairs to the knock on her door were excruciating. And turning the knob was possibly the bravest thing she’d ever done.
All of that evaporated when she saw them standing outside her door.
Heat suffused her entire body and she had to swallow before she could speak.
But Ben beat her to it.
“We have something of yours.”
“I know. I sent it.”
God, how stupid could she be? Of course they knew she sent it.
She could just imagine what they thought—
“And we’re glad you did.” Ben’s smile made it both easier and harder for her to breathe. “We just want to be sure you know—”
“That you’re getting both of us.”
Ian’s voice was steady, as if he was telling her something she didn’t know.
She wrinkled her nose at him. “I wouldn’t have addressed the package to both of you if that wasn’t what I wanted.”
She wasn’t sure but she thought Ian stifled a smile. And she wanted to see him smile.
“And what exactly do you want from us?” Ian asked.
“Why don’t you come in and find out?”
She took a step back, opening the door even wider so they could enter. When they were inside, she closed the door and took a deep breath before following them into her living room, where both men had sprawled onto her couch and chair. Not sure where to sit, she chose the other end of the couch from Ian, who kept his gaze steady on her.