Page 100 of An Indecent Longing

It frustrated the hell out of her dad, probably because Risa held nothing back. But he’d learned to cope, too.

“There’ve been some developments around my business that make it imperative you have a guard at all times.” He held up one hand as she opened her mouth to speak. “I understand this is going to be a hassle but it’s nonnegotiable. At least until this situation is resolved.”

“And what situation is that?”

His eyebrows rose. “Do you really want to know?”

Did she? Truthfully, she wasn’t sure. For so many years, she’d stuck her head in the sand. Maybe it was time she actually knew what was going on.

Slowly, she nodded her head. “Yes, I think I should know.”

Her dad didn’t answer right away, just continued to stare at her, as if he could read her mind. Then he nodded.

“Let me call your sister down. It’s probably easier if I only have to go through it once.”

He patted her leg then got up and headed for the door to the kitchen, where she heard him call up the stairs.

This fancy house was rigged with a state-of-the-art intercom but Risa usually ignored it.

Seconds later, her sister swept into the room. Dressed in denim shorts that had seen better days, a faded old Flyers tank top with no bra and barefoot, her hair in messy waves, she looked nothing like she would if she were going out. But apparently Risa had no intention of leaving the house today.

“There you are! I’ve been dying to talk to you.” Risa grabbed her hand and tugged her to her feet. “Dad, we’re going upstairs—”

“Hang on a minute. I need to talk to you both.”

His tone stopped Risa in her tracks and she turned to look at him with narrowed eyes.

“What’s wrong?”

His expression never changed. “There may be some…pushback in the next few weeks from some new players in town.”

Risa turned to face him fully, her hand tightening around Dorrie’s. “What new players? Why haven’t you mentioned anything before this?”

“Because there’s been nothing to be worried about. And I’m not sure there will be. I just don’t want either of you to be caught unaware. You’re both going to have two guards with you at all times—”

“Dad, no.” Dorrie shook her head. “I can’t live and work with two men following my every step—”

“This isn’t up for debate.” Her dad’s firm tone cut through her complaints. “And I’m willing to be reasonable. I’m prepared to hire Adam Oleksy’s firm, if that makes it more…agreeable for you.”

She couldn’t control her shock. He knew. He had to know about her and Ben. But did he also know about Ian?

Fighting to keep a blush from giving away her thoughts, she squeezed Risa’s hand tight and tried to figure out something to say. All she could come up with was a nod and a hoarse, “Okay.”

Luckily, her dad turned to Risa a second later. “And you are going to have Gens.”

Risa’s hand jerked in Dorrie’s grasp. But that was her sister’s only outward sign of shock.

“Aren’t you going to need him?”

“I have other men available to me.”

But Gens was his most trusted man. And he was putting him on Risa.

Dorrie and her sister exchanged a glance.

“All right, Dad. What aren’t you telling us?” Risa released Dorrie’s hand so she could put both hands on her hips. “What happened? Because something happened or you wouldn’t be acting like this.”

His expression never changed. “I’ve received threats against both of you.”