Page 47 of Wicked Pursuit


Understanding makes me giddy. Or maybe it’s excitement for what’s coming. Either way, I think I finally get something about him.

I carefully press my hands to his chest and lean in, going up on my tiptoes to speak directly in his ear. “Jealousy gets you off, doesn’t it,baby? You hate seeing me with others, but you love the frenzy that comes afterward.” Just as much as I do.

And tonight, he can’t kill anyone for touching me. No one is going to get hurt while we play this twisted little game.

When I ease back, he isn’t locked down any longer. He grabs my hips and jerks me to him, taking my mouth in a devastating kiss. It’s a clear claim of ownership, but I don’t have a chance to decide how I feel about it before he steps back. “Run, baby. Run fast and run far, because when I catch you, I’m not letting you go again.”

Reaper’s voice cuts through any response I’d be able to come up with. “It’s time. Prey, your five-minute head start begins... now.”

I run.

A large part of the prey group cuts to the right, so I go left. I don’t have a good map of what this massive house is like inside. I have a vague idea of finding somewhere to hide, but for now I’m running on pure instinct. On and on and on, cutting through the shadowy halls in search of a good destination.

How long has it been? I have no idea. I’m reasonably fit because my parents insist I be capable of protecting myself, which means weekly training sessions in a variety of self-defense techniques and general fitness, but my breath sears my lungs with each inhale and exhale. The halls seem to expand and contract in the same rhythm.

In the distance, a series of calls go up, some taunting, some almost animalistic. The predators are on the move.

I need to get out of the halls. They’re too open.

I veer around a corner, and then another, picking the directions at random. When this started, I had a vague thought of being strategic, but there’s no space for that in my head right now. I can’t hide. I have to keep moving.

The next corner takes me up a set of stairs. There are more sounds now. Screams and cries of victory. The predators are finding the first wave of prey. I pick up my pace... only to stop short when I reach the top of the stairs. There’s a short hallway that ends in an intricately carved glass door. The door is cracked open, a clear invitation. And where it leads...

A conservatory, but not like one I’ve seen before, at least not in private residences. I step through the door and look around. It’smassivein here. A tile path leads deeper into what feels like a forest, the plants and trees pressing in on the path. It’s the strangest combination of wild and restrained, of nature and civilization.

I love it.

“I saw someone come up this way.”

The deep voice startles me out of my reverie. I bolt, rushing down the narrow path and deeper into the conservatory. It’s a mistake.

The voice calls out again. “We’ve got one!”

“Now we’re talking,” says another.

Footsteps pursue me, closer and closer. I’m running full out now, pumping my arms, my breath sawing through my lungs, my feet pounding the tile floor. This may be a game, but my body doesn’t know that. I’m not even sure my brain does. Adrenaline and fear create a toxic mix inside me, driving me faster yet.

Not fast enough.

Rough hands grab me around the waist, and then I’m lifted off my feet and tossed into another set of arms. I fight on instinct, striking wild punches until the person holding me catches my arms and pins them at my sides.

The one who caught me laughs breathlessly. “Look at that collar. It’s Wolf’s girl.”

“Lucky us,” pants the one holding me. “She’s a fighter.”


They bear me down to the tile floor, faster than I can react. They’re bigger than me. Stronger. I’m fighting and cursing and wetter than I’ve ever been. Especially when one wrenches my thighs wide and settles between them.

The one between my legs palms my pussy and presses his fingers to my ass. He laughs wickedly when I jolt. “Oh yeah, little one. I’ve caught you, and now I’m going to fuck this ass.”

Suddenly this isn’t as fun anymore. I fight harder, but it’s like fighting gravity. It takes my panicked brain longer than I want to admit to realize that this is a game and that there are rules. “Yellow!”

They pause. The guy holding my arms grips my chin lightly. “What part, honey?” His voice is suddenly kind, all the harshness drained away.

The change startles me into answering honestly. “Not anal. That’s only for him.”