I ignore whatever Casimir is about to say and drop to my knees before Reaper. He’s shirtless again, so it’s easy enough to hook my fingers into the front band of his pants. I give him wide eyes. “Like this?”
He arches his brows, his grin downright sinful. “Don’t let me stop you, love.”
“Stop calling her that,” Casimir snarls. “Ruby, get off your knees.”
“He said I need to prove myself. So I will.” I wait for Reaper’s slight nod to unbutton his pants and drag down his zipper. His cock is already hard and just as impressive as Casimir’s.
The woman kneeling at my side tenses, but she’s not my problem. I glance at Casimir, who’s glaring at me. He says something scathing in Russian and then switches to English. “You want to suck his cock? Do it.”
“I don’t need your permission. We broke up, remember?” But what little hesitation I had is gone. I lean forward and take Reaper’s cock into my mouth. He’s attractive in the way of a fallen angel who’s taken to the vices of the world, all sharp lines and sharper angles. And hedoeshave a nice cock.
Best of all, Casimir is watching.
That, even more than the act of sucking Reaper’s cock, gets me wet. I slide my hands down Reaper’s thighs and back up to his hips as I swallow him down. I muscle past my gag reflex and give him my A game. Put on a show for the glaring man at our side.
When I glance up at Reaper, his smirk says he knows exactly what I’m doing, but he’s allowing it for his own reasons. Our eyes meet in a moment of perfect understanding. He laces his fingers together behind his head, not doing anything to guide me. Just allowing me to prove myself.
Okay, yeah, that’s hot as fuck.
I pick up my pace, giving him everything I have. It’s messy work, but that just makes me enjoy it all the more. This man is going to come, and I’m going to make it happen.
“There you go, love,” he murmurs. “Almost there.”
It’s honestly kind of sweet that he’s giving me a chance to do anything but swallow him down when he orgasms. I’m angry enough at Casimir to make a mess of myself with Reaper’s come, but I want to enjoy the play party without starting out sticky.
He exhales sharply, and that’s the only further warning I get. I suck harder, swallowing as he comes down my throat. I give him one last long suck before I ease off his cock and arch my brows at him. “Well?”
He laughs and smoothly tucks his cock back into his pants. “You know you’ve done well, you little brat.” He offers his hand, and I allow him to lift me to my feet. He brushes a light kiss to my knuckles. “Don’t get too settled in. The main event starts soon.”
He looks at Casimir without dropping my hand. “And you. If you harm a single one of my guests, I’m going to take it rather personally.”
Casimir grunts. It’s not words, but it seems to be enough for Reaper. He drops my hand and waves me past him. “You’re going to enjoy yourself immensely tonight, love.”
I have every intention of doing so. And if it makes Casimir choke in the process... all the better.
“Are you happy now?”
I don’t look at Casimir as I slide past two people making out. “Not even a little.”
Even as I tell myself not to, I glance over my shoulder at him. He’s banked his obvious fury at Reaper’s antics, but there’s a deep heat in his pale eyes that makes me quiver. I lick my lips. “What?”
He grabs my hips and spins me around, one hand shifting to the small of my back and pulling me against his chest. It’s a smooth move, so smooth that I don’t have a chance to push back. Or that’s what I tell myself as I find myself pressed against his heat. I plant my hands on his chest, fully intending to shove him away, but the command gets lost somewhere between my brain and fingers.
Casimir digs his other hand into my hair and presses me harder against him. He brings me so close that the rubies of my collar bite into my skin the same way they must be biting into his. “Let’s get one thing straight.”
“Can’t wait.”
He makes that sexy snarling sound against my lips. “No matter who you fuck and suck tonight, it’s atmywill.”
“Whatever you have to tell yourself.” My voice is too breathy, but he’s unraveling right in front of me, and it feeds my recklessness, gasoline to my fire.
He nips my bottom lip, hard enough to make me gasp. “My will, baby. So have fun tonight, because when you’re done playing, we’re going back to that room and I’m reclaiming every bit of you that you’re all too happy to give away to others.”
This isn’t him threatening to murder anyone I touch. This is different. This is... even hotter.